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PUBLISHED MONTHLY IN THE INTEREST OF CONFEDERATE ASSOCIATIONS AND KINDRED TOPICS. Entered at the post office at Nashville, Tenn., as second-class matter. Contributors are requested to furnish doul le -Spaced typewritten copy whenever practicable, and to condense as much as possible. .V The date to a subscription is always given to the month before it ends. For Instance, if the Vbtbran is ordered to begin with January, the date on mail list will be December, and the subscriber is entitled In that number. The Veteran is the best advertising medium for the entire Sou:h. OFFICIALLV REPRESENTS; United Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Sons of Veterans, and Other Organizations, Confederated Southern Memorial Association. Though men deserve, thev mav net win success; The brave will honor the Drave, vanquished none the less. r*RicK, $1.00 per Year. I Single Copt, 10 Cents. 1 Vol. XXII. NASHVILLE, TENN., JANUARY, 1914 No. 1. j S. A. CUNNINGHAM PRopRirroB. PATRIOTIC BEQUEST TO THE SOUTH.
T I V I I I { V i Batesville, Ark., October 2, 1909. To M horn It May ( on, cni : I. S. A. Cunningham, have never made a will of any kind. 1 do so now solely in the interest of the Con- federate Veteran. My possessions arc small, there- fore sncli action is not of much importance to my family. For what I possess 1 am so deeply indebted to the generous, patriotic people of the South that I feel it due them to contribute what I have as herein briefly set forth to the perpetuation of such history as is so far recorded in the Veteran. For this purpose I have come to I'.alcsvillc. Ark. to engage the active service of my friend, Col. V. Y. Cook, who lias shown a patriotism and a friendship for me and the work without stint and without limit, beyond any man liv- ing. This he has proved; but I owe him nothing hut gratitude and good will. I so regard the importance of perpetuating the Vet- eran that I hereby set apart all property of which 1 am possessed or may acquire, after paying my debts and after the payment of one thousand dollars to my beloved sister, the wife of Thomas W. Wakefield, living near Cornersville, Tenn. I have other relatives, for all of whom 1 have affectionate esteem; hut my sense of duty as set forth above impels me to bequeath what I have, as set forth, for the indefinite perpetuation of the Yi 1- F.RAN. However, when the time comes, as it evidcnlh will, when the publication ceases, then it is my desire that whatever of assets may exist shall belong to my estate. It is my wish that a Hoard of Trust, in the event of my death, he empowered to take fuU charge of my pos Sessions, consisting of money due me, of certain real estate recorded in my name, of two policies of life insurance from the Union Central Insurance Company of Cincinnati, of $3,000 and $2,000 (upon one of which poli- cies I owe perhaps $l,ooot, my library, and all articles of value which ma belong to tnc and are not herein mentii >ned. Mils Board of Trust 1 desire to he composed of Col. V, Y. took, of Batesville, Ark., as President; Maj. R. II. Dudley, of Nashville, Tenn.; Col. Bennett II Young, of Louisville, K> ; Gen. K. M. VanZandt, of Fort Worth. r«! ; Miss E. D. Pope, of Nashville. Tenn.; and, ex oMcio, the Commander in Chief of the United Confederate Veterans 1 now Gen. Clement A. Evans, of Atlanta, da 1. the Commander in Chief of the United Sons of Confederate Veterans (now Clarence M. Owens, of Abbeville, Ala.), the President General of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (now Mrs, Cornelia Branch Stone, of Galveston, Tex.), and the President of the Confederated Southern Memorial As- sociation (now Mrs. W. J. Behan, of New Orleans, La I, I Ins Board of Trust is requested to meet at the Veteran office in Nashville, Tenn., as soon as practica hie in the event of my death and take charge of all mat- ters herein indicated. It would he necessary to appoint an agent to adjust all business matters and to select an editor for the publication. * * * The appointment of the members of this Board of Trust has been made without conference hut in the faith that liny will gladly serve. It is requested that any ncy by death may he supplied by the mutual agree incut of the surviving members. This is written by myself, and may not be Strictly legal in every sense; but it is believed that my motive of integrity and duly would prevent any one's taking advantage of any such error. It is the deliberate act of myself, and I pray that its spirit will be faithfully executed in the event of my death. ,... I lames P. Lofnn, W itnesses :■",., , ,,. 1 Edgar L. Givens. ^h^^^-^<^CyHijOl^<^
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