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IV Confederate l/eterar;.

Timely Warning. The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established in 1780) has led to the placing on the market many misleading and unscrupulous imitations of their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker & Co. are the oldest and largest manu- facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC '^

    • » !•■&

Runs the most sumptuoustrains ever built, on the fastest time and through the most interesting scenery, from New Orleans to San Francisco, making con- nection via Eagle Pass to all points in Mexico. ITS SUNS T LIMITED, Leaving New Orleans each Monday and Thursday morning at 10 a. m., is confessedly theacmeof luxurioustravel. The Southern Pacific is the first line to recognize the heretofore inadequate ac- commodations provided for ladies, and has added to its Sunset Limited trains a ladies' drawing-room car, containing a specially appointed apartment, provid- ed with I he most luxurious fittings, sup- plied with ample and well selected li- brary, writing desks stocked with dain- tiest stationery, reclining couches, easy chairs, etc. These cars contain seven bourdoir sleeping compartments, which can be occupied singly or en suite, all opening upon a hall-way at one side and having communicating doors. The gentlemen's car contains bath- room, baber shop, buffet and smoking com pari ment. The train carries besides the cars mentioned, two double drawing- room ten section sleepers, and a. dining car where meals are served a la carle. It. is needless to say that every appoint- ment of the train is a realization of the highest attainable standard of Pullman work. 58 hours, New Orleans to Los Angeles. 75 hours, New Orleans to San Francisco. Take a trip to the PacificCoast, or re- turn via the Southern Pacific where snow never interferes with the running of trains and where you will be perpet- ually charmed by the novelty and inter- est of the scenery and the sights along the way. CONFEDERATEiFLAGS FOR SALE. The last flag of the Confederacy, hav- ing the red end to while ground, with the battle-flag cross on the starry field, 17^x35 inches, is for sale at Veteran office. Price, 25 cents, postpaid, or $2 per dozen, delivered to express. WORDS OF LINCOLN. The Veteran has received from the compiler and publisher, Osborn H Old- royd, of Washington, D. C-. an elegant volume, under the title "Words of Lin- coln," dedicated to the American peo- ple from whose humblest ranks he rose and whose interests he so faithfully guarded through a great civil convul- sion, "with malice towards none, with charity for all." The book has not been perused, therefore comment cannot be intpllieent.lv made Mr Oldrovd oc- cupies the house in which Mr. Lincoln died, 516 Tenth Street, N. W„ and which contains the Oldroyd-Lincoln memorial collection. J100— REWARD— $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positve cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu- tional disease, requires a constitutional treat- ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving thepatiet t strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro- prietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address. F J. CH ENEY & CO., Toledo, O. gt^-Sold by Druggists, 75c. Suffered Thirty Years. Has Been on Crutches n Long Time —The Eltctropoise to the Rescue In a Remarkably Short Time a Cure Was Effected, and Now at the Age of

is Well and Hearty, 

I have thought for sometime I would write you what I think of the Electro- poise, and at the same lime tell you some of the things it hap done for my- self and family. The most remarkable case I have treated was that of my wife. I have been using I he Electro- poise two years, and have made a per- fect cure in her case. She has suffered about thirty years with ulcers and running sores on her legs and feet. Her blood was so im- pure that it took several courses of ireatment to perfect a cure. When she began using the Elect ropoise she had been on crutches for several years. She has now no further use for the crutches, and is well and hearty and quite stout for her age. sixty-four years. She enjoys life and appreciates health. and constantly talks of the good the Electropoise has done her During her long peroid of suffering she was compelled to take a purgative every few days, but since the first ap- plication of the Electropoise she has never had to take a dose of medicine in any shape, and her bowels have been regular all the time This has been the case now for two years Yours truly, Jesse W. Sparks. Fayetteville, Tenn., June 21, 1895. The rental terms for I he Pocket Elec- tropoise have been reduced to Five Dollars Cash in Advance for Two Month's Rental. Write for circulars and particulars regarding Ihisnew arrangement, and if you have ever been interested in the wonderful work which the Electropoise is constanl ly doing, we feel sure that the instrumierntl is now in your reach, and tha|t;y&UriYHll avail yourself of the opportuuitj' ijiat is now offered to you to possess one.. Pocket'EleCliropoise book of particu- lars free to ariiy/ addrpss. Dubois & webb, Chairiberof Chiihmerce Building, f-um 8J5 or! Nashville, Tennessee. ill SB 9T6 9Tqo9e We ; ,Bi*yr/S eU an d Exchange Corifecierat'e'intf Other War Books, Histor- 'irfw Drtfear'atlff War Romances, t ,.i vHtr/ol --4 We ^eep- the Japeest stock of all kinds (both new and second hand) in the South. History. Iliog- raphv.Trp>j&ljt"i< ;tion - Economic. Political. So- cial Science. Jiel'gious, Agricultural. Seenliflc, Industrial, AMI. Poetry, etc.. etc. Write us for price on any kind of book you want. Mailor- ders solicted. Enquiries answered promptly. We refer to Tub Veteran. Address. SETLIFF & CO..


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