SOME M7/'/ HAVE WORKED FOR THE CM <iE. ■I. L. Buford, of Birmingham, Ala., who was a mem- lyton Guards, First Alabama Regiment, di'l this clever thing in t lection with tin' monu- ment Fund: tie subscribed 110 for himself and nine others. One of the contribution books was sent him t<> insert their names, which In- forwarded t" Ins sister Mi-- Am. i. E. Buford, of Union Springs, Ala., and .-!,. -• ■ urv.l twenty names, with ?1 each. Mrs. R. Y. Porter, of Greenville, Ala., on being ap- plied to, felt discouraged with the pros] t. hut when ibscription 1 k was sent her, she procured thirty nam. -. « ithl Bright little Miss Louise Beverly Bprague, of Mobile, sends nine nanus with 81 each. James Rutherford, of Batesville, Ark., sends in twenty-six names with 81 each. James W. Blackmore, of Gallatin, Term., thirteen names with as many dollars, which he "gathered up" among his friends.
good many halves and quarters come from Pratt
Miles, Ala. Mi-- Jennie Smith, of Blackshear, Ga., sends $4, with as many names. In the contribution of Joseph W. Allen, of Nash- ville, the list includes the name of his son, Lieut. Samuel M. Allen, C. S. A., killed by bushwhackers while on furlough at a friend's house near Memphis, Tcnn.. March, 1864. A splendid list will be seen from B. F. Jenkins, President of the Davis Monument Association, Mans- field. La., which aggregates §107. •I. T. Cornell, of Cairo. Tcnn., furnishes twenty- eight "names with (28 to the fund. V. L. Stephens, Fayette, Miss., sends a batch of name-, nearly all for 81 each. Money forwarded to 1! ichmond. U. V. Downer sends 824 from the little old village of Kaiiview. fy., where Jefferson Davis was born. If all the other places would do as well in proportion, the South would have a Memorial Temple second to none other on earth. Col. John (ieorge Ryan sends from Chicago live dol- lar subscriptions, one of which was in the name of his brother, Gen. W. A. C. Ryan, of the United States Army, " who was one of those taken from the steamer Virginius, and murdered at Santiago del Cuba, Nov. 1. 1873;" and another for their mother, deceased,
ho was an admirer of Southern chivalry.
James Coltart, of Hohoken, N. J., sends a contribu- tion of So with three other names of $1 each. Maj. John J. Reeve, sends from Henderson, Ky., ten names, including his own, with 810. Maj. J. B. Briggs, of the John W. Caldwell Camp, Russellville, Ky., sends 828, including 8.") for himself, and a similar amount for the gentleman in whose honor the camp is named. Miss Meta Cooper, of Waxahatchie, Texas, sends a meat little note with ten subscriptions to the Monu- ment, of $1 each, except that qf ioel Cooper, which is for $2. Miss Mollie Cunningham, of Waxahatchie, Texas, sends three names with SI each. M. B. Burgwin, Jackson, X. C, sends 14 with the names of four friends.. Mrs. c. 1'. Morrow, of Chonteau, I. T.. sends ten names with as many dollars, including V. Gray, who put- |2 1" her li-t. V. P. Renwick, of Monroe, La., writes of the col- lection of $64, which lias been forwarded to Rich- mond. He adds: "There is a prevailing notion that it is the duty of the Southern people to build a suita- ble memorial to the Confederacy through its Presi- dent, Davis, and a well organized movement will surely Succeed." In a remittance of fifteen dollar-. January 2d, from Otis s. Tarver, of the Joe Finnegan Camp, Sanford, Florida, I notice contributions from three little dar- lings, three, four, and six years. The names-are Linda C. Barnes. E. V. Barnes, and Hannah Myerson. The following list of ladies comprised the gen, ral committee of the Chrysanthemum Fair, held at Nash- ville. Now 11, the proceeds of which, when forwarded to Richmond, aggregated 81,178, the largest sum vat procured, except by the Young Men's" Democratic Club of Nashville : General Committee — Mrs. M B. Pilcher, Chairman ; Mesdames M . C. ( ioodlet t . W.J. W 1, Dr. McMurray, Dr. Maney, Burroughs, Locke, Hardison, John Johns, R. R. Pope, J. B. Lindsley, Mary Porter )# Jere Baxter. N. Baxter. Sr., .las. Frazer, Baskerville, E. W. Car- mack, Theo. Plumnier, R. C. Morris, John Overton, -I M. Dickinson. W. M. Hume. Col. Clark. V. C. Smith, Nat Gooch, H. M. Doak.D. B. Cooper, John Bransfofd, W. 11. Jackson. John V. Thomas, Jr., Tims. Malone, Shade Murray, Thos. Gibson, Will Eastman, J. M. Head, E. W. Cole, S. A. Champion, Norman Farrell, Martha Scruggs, John Hill Eakin, M. A. Spurr, A. J. Warren, Monroe Cheatham, Thos. Weaver, W. G. Bush. Sam'1 Keith, Mark CockrilL Stephen Childress, Robert Riddle, Horton Fall, Edward Buford; Albert Harris, R. B. Allen, Horace Lurton, John Hickman. H. W. Grantland, A. S. Marks, R. II. Dudley/ W. I... Wilson, Thos. W. Wrcnne, AVm. Duncan, A. W» Wills, V. 0. Wardlaw, Mary Robertson, F. II. East, John C Brown, Graham Horton, Marsh Polk, Julius Sax, Richard Douglas, Ernest Billow, Isaac Reese, J. I'. Drouillard, L. Rosenheim, Mprgan Brown, Fannie Cheatham, Cnllum, T. D. Crafignead, Andrew Mar- shall, John M. Bass, Richard ciieatham. .las. F.Cald- well, Wm Morrow, M. B. Tonev, J. C. Warner, J. X. Brooks; E. B. Stahlman, W. H. Mitchell, Ann E. Sny- der, Geo. Guild, Mary Raul McGEfire, Dr. Baird, Frank "Green, M. J. C. Wrcnne. W. T. Glasgow, D. C. Scales, Mary Clare, Roger Eastman, Lewis Eastman, Nat Bax- ter, 'Robt. Hollins, H. B. Buckner, W. L. Settle, Eugene Criddle, G, P. Rose, Dupree, Harry McAllister, John M. Gaut, T-hos. Plater, Van Kirkman, Leslie Warner, Baxter Smith, Alex. Porter, Thos. Kendriek, G. H. Baskette, Robt. Morris,- Ida Rutland, Cherrv, J. B. O'-Bryan, Will Cranbery, J. W. Thomas, W. C. Collier, Ross Reno, Mary Hart, J. P. W. Brown, Percy Warner, W. H. Peck, Will Scoggins, Misses Sallie Brown, White May, Mollie Claiborne, Henri Ewing, Nannie Seawell. Elsewhere reference is made to the Young Men's Democratic Club of Nashville, whose fund is the largest that has -ever been secured by any one organ-
ization,and>to other Workers for the cause.