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[It is intended to revise and re-publish the account of Confederate Homes iu next issue, and to make the best showing possible for this cause. ] Mrs. 0. M. Spofford, in sending a $100 check, for the Confederate Home near Nashville, says : " I send it with the hearty wish that each dollar may hring three-fold aid to our poor Confederates, who have nothing to look to save the generous assistance of their neighbors. She gave $100 to the Davis Monument. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, spacious and beautiful grounds ami buildings, situated just west of the city adjoining Reservoir Park, on the fashionable driveway. provided by private munificence at an aggregate out- lay approximating $200,000, and maintained by private subscriptions, supplemented by annual appropriations from the city and State, earing for about lot' inmates, The chapel on these grounds contains numerous Con-, federate memorial stained glass windows, The ex-Confederates of Missouri and their friends have ever been zealous in their efforts for their dis- abled comrades and their honored dead. They have been very zealous during the past two years in the procurement of a Home for disabled soldiers, The record they have made deserves publicity, [n. two years they have raise. 1 iu the aggregate tor the pur- pose $74,889.92. The Daughters of the Confederacy and other lady's societies throughout the State raised $18,025. The' Daughters of the Confederacy of the State of Missouri have assumed the task of erecting the main building on this Confederate Home, which is to cost $22,000, The building is now up and under roof, and will lie finished by May next. It has a frontage of '.Id feet, it is lid feet deep, and is ar- ranged for 100 to 125 inmates. The buildings already in use for the home have 82 men. women and children, who are being cared for by the Associat ion. The < 'on- federate Home of Missouri is now one of the es- tablished institutions of the State, and one which is paid for entirely by private contributions of her citi- zens, and of which she may lie proud. If there is an ex-Confederate soldier or any member of his family in a poor-house in the State of Missouri it is because the fact of such service is not known. The manner of procuring this large fund is worthy of imitation. The State was laid off into fourteen districts and in every district creditable zeal was displayed. The smallest sum raised in anyone was $636, and the largest $4,067. The head officers of the ex-Confederate Association of Missouri deserve great credit for their zeal in he- half of the Home and their maintenance of the or- ganization. Its officers are President, .lames Banner- man, St. Louis; Vice President. Harvey W. Salmon, Clinton: Superintendent, M. I.. Belt, Higginsville; Surgeon. .1. .1. Fulkerson, M. D, Higginsville; Treas- urer, H. A. Ricketts, Mexico ; Secretary, W. P. Barlow, 3812 Cook avenue, St. Louis. Executive Committee : K. F. Peddicord, Hannibal; F. L Pitts, Paris; A. C. Cook, Plattshurg; Elijah Crates, St. Joseph; John B. Stone, Kansas City; F, P. Bronaugh, Boonville; W. H Kennan, Mexico; Henry Guibor, St. Louis; Frank Gaiennie, St. Louis; Geo. T. MeNamee, St. Louis; E. G. Williams, Waynesville ; W. C. Bronaugh, Lewis Station ; I). C. Kennedy, Springfield; G. H. P. Catron, Springfield. St. Lot is. Dec. 31, 1892, In a letter sent with the above date W. P. Barlow,. Secretary of the State Association, says: "You will see from this the reason why we can not aid the V. C. V.'s in their splendid work. ' We could not ask our Legis- lature to build this Home, as the States farther South can and have done * * * All our energy must he entered on caring for the living. As many of our Southern friends do not understand this, it will be a great favor if you will explain it in your article." Jefferson Davis Mansion, the " White House of the' Confederacy." Clay Street, corner of Twelfth, is the gift of the city of Richmond to the Hollywood Memorial Association, to be perpetually maintained as a Con- federate Museum. It is worth about $30,000. Residence of Gen. R. E. Lee. 7<>7 East Franklin St.. benefaction of the Stewarts, of Brook Hill, providing a permanent home for the Virginia Historical Society..' Worth about $20,000. Memorial stained glass windows to Gen. H. E. Lee in St. Paul's Church. Gift of the Stewart family, cost- ing several thousand dollars. THE SOUTH AS OTHERS SEE IT. Introductory to a comparison in church matters, the New Vork Ecu, q, list, in its first 1893 issue, says: " It is now more than twenty-seven years since the- dose of our civil war (Gen. Lee surrendered on the '.'tl'i of April, 1865), but we remember it as if it were yesterday. Of course it tilled the North with rejoic- ing, but the triumph was saddened by thoughts of the thousands who had gone out from Northern homes, never to return; and when we had recovered from the first excitement and began to think soberly of what had been lost and gained, we soon came to the con- clusion that the result- wen not nil m, on t side. For the time the strength of the South seemed to have been annihilated; and the Southern soldier, altera display of courage as magnificent as any in history, lav ap- parently dead upon the field. ' But some said, es- pecially those who met him on the field and knew what tremendous vitality he had, he is not dead, though he is for the time in a state of collapse, but hy-and-hy the blood will come back into his veins, and he will stand again on his feet and show signs of his old power. Others went farther still, and predict- ed for the South not only a resurrection to life, hut to a' more vigorous life than she ever had before. They said, ' We of the North claimed the victory, but the result will be a greater gain to the South than even to us, for war has done what peace could never do, it has destroyed slavery, the terrible incubus which has hung upon the South for generations, and which could only be shaken off by some tremendous convulsion, and now, after a time, we shall see the South start forward on a career of progress such as she never had before,' a prophecy which a quarter of a century has gloriously fulfilled. The South has gained more than the North, so that, strange as it may seem, the issue of the war has been a victory for both sides, as it has finally brought them together into a more perfect and

more glorious union."

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