THE HERMITAGE. ---■»- The Ladies' II er- g raitage ' Association ! was organized in 188$, and tin- State Legis- ature conveyed the I house a n <1 twenty- five acres of ground, s that they might pre- serve the property as a perpetual memorial to Genera] Andrew Jackson. In the res- idence are the por- trait- and household furniture belonging to Genera] Jackson, numbering four hun- ( dred pieces. These th have been in the Hermitage nearly three-quarters of a century, and they speak of his life, and remind an >■..., ^tmtrrf'Vm GENERAL AND MRS. JACK E HOME OF "OLD HICKORY " observer of the times and character of the great hero. The Ladies' Hermitage Association has worked inde- fatigably to purchase these works, which are the prop- erty of ( !ol. A ndrew Jackson, and are now makings last final struggle to raise the purchase money, viz, 817,500. They are making constant appeals to the puhlic for this sum. Should they fail, the " Hermitage," the home of the old hero of New Orleans, will be disman- tled. "The walls will testify, and empty rooms will speak, of the lack of appreciation of his countrymen. These historic works will be scattered throughout the country, their owners heing compelled by financial necessity to part with them for a monied value, and the State of Tennessee and the 'Hermitage' itself will lose these beautiful mementos of the past." The Association, in redeeming its trust to the State, have put a new roof upon the building, painted the exterior, refenced the twenty-five acres, and restored the old historic cabin from almost utter decay. Other minor improvements have exhausted their treasury as fast as the moneys were accumulated, but they do not despair of finally raising this money. They hold an option expiring July 1st, Of this year. Mrs. Judge Nathaniel Baxter President, and Mrs. Duncan K. Dorris, the Secretary, have worked with unremitting /.eal for this cause. [NSCRIPTIONS AT THE TOMB. On the shaft: GENERAL ANDREW JACKSON. Horn March 10th, 17H7. Died June Kth, 1845. On a slab, placed there evidently by the General : "Here lie the remains of Mk-s. RACHEL Jackson, wife of President Jackson, who died the 22d of December, W2S, aged HI years. Her face was fair, her person pleasing, her temper amiable, her heart kind; she delighted In relieving the wants of her fellow creatures, and cul- tivated that divine pleasure by tin- most liberal and unpretending met hods ; to the poor she was a benefactor ; to the rich an example ; to the wretched a comforter; t" "»e prosoerous an ornament; her piety went baud In hand with her benevolence, and she thanked her Creator for being permitted to do good. A being so gentle and so vir- tuous slander might wound hut could not dishonor; even death, when he bore her from the arms of her husband, could but transport
her to the bosom of her (iod."