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Ellyson, chairman of the permanent Museum Committee. They were obliged to insert the word •■liter- ary" in the name of the organization for charter pur- poses. The women have a strong organization in Richmond, known as the Hollywood Memorial Asso- ciation, whose object is to keep in constant trim the cemeteries of the Confederate dead. It is this body that made application for the mansion and expected simply to make the new work a department of Holly- wood.' Technicalities of law, however, required an- other name, though practically the two bodies are the same. The strength and devotion of the Hollywood Association, whose record for thorough work lias long since been made, is assurance of the Zealand devotion t<> come in the prosecution of the new work. "The object of the ladies," Said Mrs. Kllyson, " is to restore the mansion as far as practicable to the exact condition in which it was left by President Davis, ami to establish a permanent museum of Confederate relics. We have appealed to our sisters throughout the South, and expect that branch organizations will lie formed among them, whose object will be to secure valuable Confederate mementos A regent will be established in each State, and our plans are to give to each Southern State a room of its own, where it may deposit and arrange its own mementos. Young peo- ple's auxiliaries are also to he formed to assist in the work. We have no fund yet, but expect to have one soon by gifts, and through the giving of entertain- ments. We have already held entertainments 'with success. It is not our intention to buy relics. We think that the sentiment of the South will be all-suffi- cient to turn into the safe-keeping of a chartered insti- tution the sacred mementos of the dead. We have already the promise of several pieces of furniture that formerly-graced- the Confederate White -House,- and a number of letters notifying of keepsakes that will gladly be turned over — clothes, arms, money, and other belongings — as soon as we are ready for them. The glory, the hardships, and the heroism of the war are a noble heritage for our children. To keep green such memories, and to commemorate such virtues it is our purpose to gather together and preserve in the Execu- tive Mansion of the Confederacy the sacred relics ot those glorious days." BLUE AND GRAY AT CHICAGO. Publication has been made that there will be a grand reunion of the old soldiers of the country at Chicago next summer. The notice is as follows: The World's Fair managers and the leading 0. A.R. men of Chicago, and the best business men of that city heartily approve of the reunion, and will assist in the matter. A committee, consisting of the leading ex-soldiers of the G. A. R. were selected to have charge of the work at Chicago, 'and a like committee will as- sist them, composed of the ex-Confederate soldiers living in Chicago. They are all well-known business men. The reunion is now an assured success, and the old veterans of the North and South, who faced each other on so many battle-fields, will meet in peaceful reunion, to talk over their old battles and attend the World's Fair together. On May 30, 1893, there will be a grand union mem- orial service held, and the blue and gray will decorate with (lowers the graves' of the 6,000 Confederate sol- diers buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Chicago, and the graves of the Union soldiers buried there. There will be a National Committee who will assist the committee at Chicago in this reunion. Tents will be furnished by the Covernment to camp in, and the iild boys who wore the blue and the gray can go into camp by States, and have one good time together before they pitch their tents beyond the silent river. There are hundreds all over the land who wore the blue and the gray, the best men. both North and South, who arc offering their services to make this the greatest reunion ever held on American soil » A mass meeting of the survivors will be held during the encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic at Detroit, Mich., to boom this reunion. All true sol- diers who wore the blue or the gray are invited to this meeting, and to the grand reunion at Chicago in 1893. THE "ORPHAN BRIGADE. The First Brigade of Kentucky Infantry. Confed- erate Army, now more popularly known as the "Or- phan Brigade," was early in the field, held steadfastly to its convictions to the last, and maintained them against all comers in bloody battle, and was about the last ( 'on federate troops east of the M tssissippi, if not the very last, to fight the foe. The remnant that was left was closed with its adversary near Camden, S. C, when the news of Lee's surrender reached the field and the combattants drew off to await reliable intelligence. When it was announced that Johnston had capitu- lated to Sherman, the Kentuckians maTched back to Columbia, thence to Washington, Ga., where they sur- rendered their arms May 6, 1865. While many of them sought their homes individually; the brigade can hardly be said to have disbanded until it reached Kentucky, and every man set out for his own home. There were comparatively few of them left, but they were nearly all young men — quite a number not yet old enough to vote; and now, more than twenty- seven years from the time they came back to peaceful avocations, the majority of them still living, and many of them look as though they could go through another four years' campaign and come home, if alive, to take an active part again in the work-a-day world. COXFEDERATE VETERAN CAMP OF NEW YORK. Maj. Edward Owen, Secretary of the Executive Committee of this Camp, sends out a circular as fol- lows. It is to comrades ; A new constitution, embracing a history of the Camp from its origin to date, names of all officers, committees, and members of the veteran and depart- ment " Sons of Confederate Veterans" organizations, is about to be printed. This book will be gotten up in handsome style, and will have a wide circulation. It has been reported that many contemplate joining the Camp and the " Sons," but delay action. Members are therefore requested to get in all applications of eligible parties at he earliest possible date, in order that the names may be included in the lists of mem-

bers to be published.

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