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by seeing the graves of the Confederate dead all marked by little white flags, faded wreaths of laurel, and such tributes to their memory, that had been placed there by their friends. His tender heart was deeply touched. He said it was most fitting;, that the ancients, especially the Greeks, hail honored their dead, particularly their heroes, by chaplets of laurel and flowers, and that he intended to issue an order designating a day for decorating the grave of every soldier in this land, and if he could he would have it made a National holiday. "He issued the order and secured an appropriation of money to preserve the proceedings of the first Memo- rial day, which were compiled from the reports that weir sent to the headquarters of the Grand Army. But. owing to the voluminous character of these pro- ceedings, I think hut one volume entitled " Memorial Day" was ever published by Congress. These records have been left to each State to take such action as they desired in the matter, consequently they are very incomplete. * * * * The order is so elo- quent in its appeal for its perpetuity that we are sure it will be observed as long as tin- is a tree and grateful nation. " He appealed to the ex-soldiers and sailors all over the country to join the organization, lie interested many prominent officers, who promised active co- operation in their States, that the veterans might be banded together in some common interest that would insure assistance when any of them was in trouble, and would commemorate the deeds of both the living and the dead. He was always thinking of something for the benefit of the men who had served their country." In concluding a long order. Gen. Logan said: "Let no wanton foot tread rudely on such hallowed grounds. Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic. If other eves grow dull, other hands slack and other hearts cold in the solemn trust, ours shall keep it well as long as the light and warmth of life remain to us. "Let us, then, at time of appointment, gather round their sacred remains, and garland the passionless mounds above them with the choicest flowers of spring time. * * * * Let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they. have left among us, a sacred charge upon a nation's gratitude — the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan. "It is the pleasure of the Commander-in-Chief to inaugurate this observance with the hope that it will be kept up from vear to year while a survivor of the war remains to honor the memory of his departed comrades. He earnestly desires the public press to lend its friendly aid in bringing this order to the notice of comrades in all parts of the country in time for simultaneous compliance therewith." The foregoing suggests. the fitness of the assertion that in all the thirty years no Southern man has ever been irreverent at the graves of Union soldiers. Con- federates have often helped to strew flowers and oth- erwise honor the brave men who fell in battle for the Union. COysiDERATIOX FOR OLD SOLDIERS Mrs. M. Louise Myrick, of Americus. Ga., whose father. Col. Seudder. a Tennessean, lost an eye in Mexico, and whose uncle. Gen. B. Davidson, was a well-known Confederate, concludes an article about soldiers in this way : To my thinking, nothing is too good for the old sol- lier. He should be crowned with every available honor, ami if there are any soft places in the rank- of business, gratefully bestow them upon him. Whether they wore the blue or the gray, true SOldierS deserve to be honored by this generation, who now live in peace and prosperity. The common soldier who fought and spilled his blood in the defense of the South can hope for no comforting government pension. If in need or dis- tress, hi- only source of relief in bis declining years must come from sympathetic and generous voting Southern men. who arc bound by the ties of blood and memories ever sacred, to the Old South, which pro- duced some of the most chivalric spirits that ever left an impress upon a nation's history. To the dead we owe a more sacred duty. Their memory should ever be kept fresh and green. The noble women of this broad land will remain faithful to this (rust. They will teach their children to per- petuate the beautiful memorial custom. When the faithful of this age are silent in death, generations yel unborn will be found ready to don the mantle of pa- triotism so honorably worn by their mothers and grandmothers. Yes. there will ever be patriotic women, who will wreathe ill garlands nature's choicest offerings, the laurel and the rose, with which to cover the mounds of the heroic dead. The time-honored custom will live as long as lasts the country that holds tin 1 sacred dust, and as the South grows richer, shining shafts of marble will be raised in every lodge and hamlet, emblazoned with golden inscriptions for those whose lives of sacrifice are now a blessed memory. Ohio's MoNIWIK.NT AT THE WoRI.n's FaIU — The Ohio monument, in honor of Ohio's heroes in civil and military life, will be one of the attractions of the World's Fair. It will stand in front of the Ohio building, ami. when dedicated, ex-President Have- will deliver the oration. It represents Ohio standing proudly above the sculptured features of six eminent sons and saying, " These are my jewels." The figures ure of (irant, Garfield, Sherman, Chase, Stanton, Sher- idan. The sculptor is Levi T. Schofield, an architect of Cleveland, and the State of Ohio pays him 125,000 for the work. The height of the entire monument 'is 31 feet, the Ohio figure being 10 feet, and the figures below each being over 7 feet high. After the Fair the monument will be placed in the State-house at

Columbus, ( ).

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