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The fund aggregating nearly $1,800 raised by the Young Men's Democratic Club, of Nashville, is the largest yet furnished by any single organization for the Davis monument. At first a ball was planned, but the management concluded a different sort of en- tertainment to be more fitting the cause. Then a "benefit" at the Vendome was undertaken, the leading feature of which was an address from Chief Justice, now Governor-elect Turney. Mrs. .1. W. Childress, Mrs. M. B. Pilcher, Miss White May, Mrs. A. H. Stewart and Miss Annie Brennan were the •committee of ladies. They were assisted by Mrs. John Overton, Mrs. H. W. Clark and Miss Henri Kwing. The club agreed in the outset to guarantee $500, hut when they got to work they far exceeded that amount, as the following statement will show: John 11. Reeves, manager, became responsible for HHi tickets at ♦1. Thomas J. Ryan took a like number. John P. Hickman, Jesse Johnson, (has. E. Curry, Allen G. Hall, W. L. Cranberry, ('has. A. Miller each took 50 tickets in like manner. Jesse Johnson and John P. Hickman sold many more than their fifty each. Then W. (). Vertrees, W. T. Smith. T. J. Slowey, E. M. Carell, P. F. deary. Jr., J. F. Lipscomb, D. B. Cooper. J. W. Childress, Chas. Sykes. C. P. McCarvcr, G. 11 Armistead, E. YV. Carmack and M, A. Consadine each took 25, and Jere Baxter bought $250 worth. Main others deserve mention. l»ut these comdrise the com- mittess. That entertainment may be referred to as a model. The net receipts, it is believed, are in excess of any entertainment ever given in Nashville in one evening for any charitable purpi The Cumberland Almanac for 1893 appears with the opening day of the year, under the careful and ex- cellent supervision of Mr. YV. H. Trafford. The Cum- berland Almanac is the property of the Nashville American. It is sixty-two years old, and has had a fine reputation for a half century. The present issue is nearly twice as large as its predecessors, and it has an extensive collection of interesting data and is, per- haps, as accurate as can be found in any periodical of the kind. The liberal and patriotic act of devoting a page to the Davis monument and Confederate Vet- bran is acknowledged. In Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, there is an irregular-shaped, small spot of ground, enclosed with a neat iron fence. On the gate is the name "Jefferson Davis," and on the marble headstone is engraved: JOSEPH, Soil of Our Beloved President JEFFKR90N DAVIS. F.reeted by the Little (ilrls and Boys of the Southern Capital. It will be recalled by the older people that the lad lost bis life by falling from a window of the Confed- erate " White House," during the war. The camp that will send 100 subscriptions can have appropriated one column in its interest this year. Col. Wells H. Blodoett, of St. Louis, who saw much of Mr. Lincoln before he became President, tells this funny story: Mr. Lincoln was sitting in the- office of his friends, Judd & Blodgett, in which young Blodgett was reading law. When Mr. Judd asked him if he was going to the National Convention, he said : "Well, Judd, I do not know; I am almost too much of a candidate to go, and hardly candidate enough to stay away." It was the convention thatmominated him. Col. Wm. Henry Stewart, of Norfolk, who did much gallant service in the intersectional war, pub- lishes an account of the battles and engagements where he took part. The narrative, while generally interesting, will amaze those who have not had ex- perience at man's capacity for endurance. His great grandfather, Charles Stewart, was an officer from Vir- ginia in the Colonial army of the American Reso- lution. His story of the battle of "the Crater" will have attention in our next issue. A MOVEMENT has been inaugurated in Washington ( 'ity for holding a series of entertainments in aid of a fund for the establishment of a Confederate Veterans' Home in Washington. Col. M. S. Thompson, of the Confederate Veterans' Association, called to order the assembly, consisting mostly of ladies, and explained the object of the meeting. It was in furtherance, he sa,id, of a plan proposed some time ago to erect a home for Confederate soldiers and their widows in Wash- ington. Rout. I.. Travlor, Esq., of Richmond, has been so thoughtful in behalf of the Confederate Veteran that acknowlegment must he given. Mr. Travlor is a native Virginian, but resided in Tennessee by the great river long enough to capture one of our loveliest women. He is diligent, as he has opportunity, in col- lecting rare volumes and curios. He has perhaps the finest collection of autograph letters of eminent men of all nations and generations to be found in the South. He had the special good fortune to get an original daguerreotype of Edgar Allan Poe, which is believed to be his last portrait, and the only one of him known to be in existence which has never been reproduced. It was taken at the gallery of Pratt, of Richmond (builder of the unique structure known as Pratt's Castle), and was presented by Poe but a short time before his death to Mrs. Sarah Elmira (Royster) Shelton, whom he had engaged to marry. The pur- pose of a trip to the North, undertaken by him about that time, was to complete arrangements for his wed- ding to that lady. On his way to New York he was seized at Baltimore by the illness which resulted fatally Oct. 7, 1849. The portrait was treasured jealously by Mrs. Shelton until a few years since, when it came into the possession of Mr. Traylor. He has refused

$1,000 for it. It is not for sale.

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