Colorado Albert Sidney — .. Columbus Shropshire-Upton ...112;. Coleman John Pi lham 76.. Corpus Christ!.. .Jos. E. Johnston 63.. Corstcana C. M. Winkler 147.. Crockett." Crockett 141.. Caldwell Camp Rogers 142. Dallas Sterling Price 31.. Decatur Ben McCulloch 30.. Denton Snl Ross 129.. Dublin Erath A Comanche H i Fairfield Win. I.. M ly 87.. Farney Camp Bee 180.. .Capt. W. V. Johnson, Tbos. Q. Mullin. ..Capt. Geo. McCormlck, J. J. Dick. Capt. J. J. Callan, James M. Williams. Capt. H. R. Sutherland. M. C. Spvnn. Capt. R. M.Collins. Capt. Enoch Branson, J. F. Martin. .J. F. Matthews. Capt. J. J. Miller. Gen. Wm. L. Thompson. Capt. Will A. Miller, A. Ed- wards. ('apt. Hugh McKenxie, J. R. Burton, (ien. J. T. Harris, L. E. (iil- lett. .Capt. (Jeo. T. Bradley. L. G. Sandlfer. Capt, T. M. Daniel, 8. G. Fleming. Sulphur Sp'gs...Matt Ashcroft 170. ..Capt. R. M. Henderson, M. G. Millar. Taylor A.S.Johnston 165.. Capt. M. Ross, P. Hawkins. Tyler A.S.Johnston 48. ..Capt. James P. Douglas, Sid S. Johnson. Vernon Camp Cabell 125 ..Capt. Shem E. Hatehett, M. D. Davis. • Waxahachle Jeff Davie 108. ..Capt. R. P. Mackey, W. M. McKnight. Weatherford Tom Green 1*9. Capt. J. P. Rice, M. V. Kln- nlson. Wichita Falls... W. J. Hardee 78. Capt. C. R. Crockett. N. A. Robinson. WASHINGTON, D. C. Washington Wash. City Con 171 .MaJ. Albert Akers. Fort Worth It. K. Lee 158 Col. B. B. i-addock Frost R. Q, MilN Kw; Gainesville Jos. E. Johnston 1 1 «• Galveston.... Magruder 106. Gatesvllle Ex-C. A. Coryell Co 185 Goldthwalte Jerl Davis 117.. Gonzai.-s Gonsale* 156 Graham .... Young County 127.. Gran bury Granbnry 87 Hamilton A. S. Johnston 116.. Hemstead Tom (ireen 188 Henrietta Sul Ross 172.. Hlllshoro Hill County .Kaufman Gto. D. Manlon US.. Kingston A. S. Johnston 71 Ladonla Roht. E.Lee 126. I.aGrange Col. B. Tlmnions 61.. Lampasas R. E. Lee 6H. Lubbock F. R. Lubbock 188.. Madisonvllle Johh O. Walker 128 . Meridian A. S. Johnston 115 Merkel Merkel 79. Mexia Joe Johnston 94 Mlnneola Wood County 153.. Mt. Enterprise Kosscr 82 Mt. Pleasant Col. Dud Jones 121.. Montague Bob stone 93. McKlnney Collin County 109.. Navasota Pat Cleburne 102 Palestine Palestine 44.. Pails A.M. Johnston 70 Paint Rock...... Jeff Davis 168.. Rockwall Rockwall 74., Roby W. W. Lorlng 1.54 . San Antonio A.S.Johnston 144.. Capt. A. Chamberlain, Dr. M. F. Wakefield. Capt .1 M. Wright, John T. Walker. Gen. T. X. Waul, Chris C. H, avails. W. I.. Saunders. Ma], .1. E. Martin, F. H.Tay- lor. Maj. W. B. Savers, M. East- land. Capt A. T. <iay. Y. M. Ed- wards. .1. A. Formlvalt. I. R. Morris (apt. W. T. Sax, .11. 1 < Powell. ('apt. Van B. Thorn ton, Barn Schwarz. Capt. F. J. Barren, c. B. Pat- terson. Win. A. Fields. Cant. Jos. Hufi'master, K. S. Pipes. Capt. J. F. Puckett. T. J. Fos- ter. .Cant. (i. W. lllakcn.y. F. W. 'apt. (J. W. Rlakeney. Capt. R. H. Phelps. Nalt H,,l man. .1. S. Lauderdale. D. c . Thomas. (apt. W. D. Crump, (i. W Shannon R. Wiley. Capt. Robert Donnell, J. W. Adams [acting). (ape J. T Tucker, A. A. Baker. Capt. ('. L. Watson, H. W. Williams. ("apt. J. H. Huftmastcr. Geo; A. Cage. (apt. Thos. Turner, Ben Bird- well. Capt. ('. L. Dlllabnnty. .1. C. Turner. Capt. Bob Eean, R. D. Rng- eley. .Gen. W. M. Bush, H. C. Mack. Capt.W. E. Barry. R. M. West. Capt. J. W. Ewlng, J. M. Ful- llnwider. ('apt. Geo. H. Provlne, John W. Webb. Capt. W. T. Melton, J. W. Ratchford. .('apt. M.S. Austin, X. C Ed- wards, ('apt. D. Speer, W. H. Smith. Cant. John S. Ford, Taylor McRae. Capt. T. H. C. Peery, R. J. Browning. Seymour Bedford Forrest 86 Sherman Mildred Lee, 90. C Sweetwater E. C. Walthall 92 H alker. Capt. W. D. Beall. J. H. Free- man.
Monument to be Erected in Chicago. — An address of the Ex-Confederate Association of Chicago says: "This Association has appointed a committee for the purpose of raising funds with which to erect a monument over 7,000 American soldiers who died while prisoners of war at Camp Douglass, and who now lie in unmarked and neglected graves at Oakwoods Cemetery, near this city, where several acres have been assigned us through the medium of the War Department, on which we purpose to erect this monument as a fitting memorial to our former companions in arms. And we trust that as it is lifted toward the peaceful skies it may be symbolical of that sweet and enduring peace with which a great nation emphasizes its unstinted, brotherly reunion. On our committee are the names of three honorary members of our Association who were gallant soldiers of the Union Army, viz., Gen. I. N. Stiles, Gen. Joseph Stockton and Charles P. Packer, President of the Park National Bank of Chicago, which is the depository of the fund. We request our friends to send contributions to the above-named bank. Any information in regard to the matter can be obtained by addressing either Col John George Ryan, chairman, or F. R. Southmayd, secretary, Room 615, No. 225 Dearborn street, Chicago.
Washington, Nov. 30. — The annual report of Mr. Greene B. Raum, Commissioner of Pensions, made public to-day, shows that there were on the pension rolls June 30, 1892, 876,068 pensioners, an increase during the year of 199,908.
The total amount expended during the fiscal year was $139,035,612. For the present fiscal year $144,956,000 is appropriated. The Commissioner estimates that a deficiency appropriation of $10,508,621 will be necessary. An estimate of $165,000,000 is submitted for the next fiscal year.
Messrs. West, Johnston & Co., of Richmond, have published recently a history of the United States "from the foundation of Virginia to the reconstruction of the Union." It is an octavo volume and sold at $2.50. The work is by an enlightened Englishmen, who "has been brave enough" to give the South an impartial and just place in history, and, as such, merits the approval and interest of all Southerners. The English edition is entirely out of print, copies
of it cannot be had at any price.