cause that he was serving, would have achieved more for
his lasting glory than all his five hundred pages of bitter self- justification. A large element in Johnston's ill-luck was just simply Joseph E. Johnston.
And now comes the puzzle. It appears that in all or- dinary intercourse this man was one of the most amiable, most companionable, most lovable of human beings. In- contestable evidence gives him a list of attractive qualities so long that few can equal it.
That he was brave goes without saying, with a de- lightful bravery that goes anywhere, and does anything, and makes no fuss. He was always ready to lead a charge or to cover a retreat. He had an enchanting, quiet cour- age, such as we timid spirits can lean upon, as upon a wall. Read the account of his behavior when he was so severely wounded at Fair Oaks. ** Reeling in his saddle, he said : * Quite extraordinary 1 It 's nothing, gentlemen, I assure you ; not worthy of comment. I think we ought to move up a little closer. If a surgeon is within call, and not too busy, at his convenience, perfect convenience, — he might as well look me over.' If some one on his staff had not caught him, the general would have fallen from his horse." ^^ Read also his playful confession with refer- ence to kerosene lamps. Only perfect courage can so trifle with itself: *'Some kind of a patent kerosene lamp was sent me as a present, and the donor lit it, explaining to me the method of working it. Such was my nervous- ness, I never knew he was talking to me. Later, after
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