��Mackall, W. W., letter to Johnston, quoted, 15, 16; on Longstreet, 75.
MacTurk, Captain, joyous com- ment of, 13.
Maffitt, John N., saying attributed by him to Semmes, 246.
Mahan, Admiral A. T., as a young midshipman begged permission to pursue Semmes, 226.
Maranham, the Federal Consul at, 244, 245.
Martinique, 237.
McClellan, General George B., 47, 115,252.
McClellan, Major H. B., incident of General Stuart, 39.
McCulloch, General Ben, harsh tele- gram of Benjamin to, 137.
McLaws, General Lafayette, his crit- icism of Longstreet, at Knox- ville, 78; charges against, 79, 80; at Harper's Ferry, 85.
Meade, General George G., suc- ceeds Hooker at Gettysburg, 254; personal characteristics of, 254,
255. Mosby, General John S., a favorite of Stuart, 41; writes of Stuart's gayety and power of endurance,
Napoleon, 51, 95, 96, 113, 117. Navy, the Union, played significant
part in the war, 252. New York, attempted burning of,
125, 131. North, the, contrast with the South before the war, 249, 250.
"Old Beeswax," a nickname for Semmes, 245.
Palfrey, General F. W., his opinion of Johnston's accuracy, 21.
Patterson, General Robert, outman- oeuvred by Johnston, 3; proposed scheme of Beauregard against, 115.
Pemberton, General John C, 14, 16.
��Pepys, Samuel, diary of, 124.
Phillips, Ulrich B., characterization of A. H. Stephens, 173.
Pickens, Governor F. W., writes to Beauregard, 112.
Pickett, General George E., at Get- tysburg, 257, 258, 259.
Pickett, Mrs. George E., remark of an officer to, in regard to John- ston, 31.
Plutarch, cited, 220.
Poe, Orlando M., and General Stu- art, 54.
Pollard, E. A., on Johnston, 4, 5; describes Longstreet's appear- ance, 65; on Beauregard, 112; notes Benjamin's smile, 139.
Pollock, Sir Frederick, praises Ben- jamin, 139.
Public opinion, power of, 191.
Rabelais, 196.
Randolph, General George W., ad- mired by Johnston, 14.
Reed, Colonel John C, an admirer of Toombs, 186.
Reynolds, General John F., 255.
Rhodes, James Ford, contrasts Johnston with Lee, 22; compares Davis and Lincoln, 22; on Benja- min, 125, 131; comments on Rob- ert Toombs, 200; on Toombs's bill in connection with Kansas strug- gle, 202, 203.
Rideing, W. H., on Semmes, 227.
Ripley, General Roswell S., Beaure- gard's accusations of, no. III.
Roanoke Island, 130.
Robbins, Lieutenant W. T., 52.
Robertson, General J. B., and Long- street, 78, 79.
Roman, Colonel Alfred, his biogra- phy of Beauregard, 99, 100.
Ropes, John Codman, on Johnston,
5. Russell, William H., on Benjamin,
139- Ryan, Lieutenant George, 70.
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