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Iird-L0r 10r Christmas

ELL us to whom you wish us to send BraD-LORE for you T during x9o8, and we will forward a Christmas Card giving your name as donor, a beautiful plate of the Wild Turkey and a free copy of the December, x9o7 number of BmD-LOgE containing two colored plates, forty illustrations in black and white, and over one hundred pages of text. All these will go in time to be received, with your greetings, on Christmas Day, and BXRD-LOE will follow, as published, throughout the year. A valuable present, easily made; whether to a friend or to yourself. $1.OO a year; for Christine.', five subscriptions for three subscriptions for BlinD-LOIrE, Harrisburly, Pa. The 0010$ist A monthly publication devoted to Oolo., Ornithology and Taxidermy. Pubhshed by Frank I-I. l, attin, M.D., Albion, N.Y. Tile oldest, cheapest and most popular "Bird" Publication in America. The best exchange and wantScolumns. Question and answer Columns open to Collectors and Students in every branch of Natural History. An entire year with free 25e exchange notice coupon only 5oc. One year's subscription, a copy of our New Standard Catalogue interleaved for notes and a copy of our New Portfolio of Bird Photos all postpaid for $LO0. Sample copy on application. Address, ERNEST H. SHORT Editor and Manager CrXXX, .... NW YORIt !!! American !aturalist A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Natural Sciences in Their Widest Sense. Since its foundation in 867 by four of the pupils of Louis Agassiz, TIlE AMERICAN NATURAL- IST has been a representative American maga- zine of Natural History and has played an important part in the advancement of science in this country. The journal aims to present to ils readers the leading facts and discoveries in the fields of Anthropology, General Biology, Zoology, Botany, Paleontology, Geology and Mineralogy, and the various subdivisions el those subjects. Annual subscription, $4.o0 net in ad- vance. Single copies, 35 cents. Foreign subscription, $4.6o. I;INN & COMPP, NY, Publishm Boston New York Chicago London When replying to advertisements please mention THE CONDOR


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