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or tho Out Door Lifo !oods Outing Clothing  Handsome, Comfort- ableatsof and corduroy, made to  ly hi rade ft wear, laced boots, mcasins, still hunters des.


Taxidermists Guns Standard Ammuniti  .,  Fld Glasses Te Win. . oegee Co., xSz4o-z4 South Main St. Lo Anjele, Cal. VANTEDPair of each of all the Hnm- mingbirds (U.S. and Foign, excepting Blachinned, Cta, Anna, Allen.) st exchange offered, and only best of skins ac- cepted. nd skins subject to examination. Refer you to any official uthern Division, OOLOGISTS AND ORNITHOLOGISTS ATTENTION--"In the Haunts of the Swain- n's Varbler," A klet giving the scription, migration, not food, nests and eggs, etc. Illtrated by photograph; by DR. M. T. CLECKLEY, uu$la, a. SENT ST- PAID FOR 35 CHTS. VANTEDI will give two dollars, cash, for a gd copy of Vol. z, No.  of the (Bulletin of Cooer Ornithological Club). ROBERT P. HARPLES, S[ Cester, a. Thc Warblcrs of North .mcrica Y 'I.ANX r. Clq'AprA. N With 24 full ge colored latea, illnstrating male, femaleandyoung of all scies, and eight full page plates o[ n and es. arge 8vo Cloth, z.9o eird, I Form and Funou,  C. Wilam eebe with over 37o illustrations 3 35 P's Nrest the Pole ................ 4 5o The Warbl 9o5 and 9, Vols. complete   The Warbler Book and Warbler,  Vols. x9-6 .................... Countu Life in imeca, fall i; a' 't 4 3o Warblgr ook ............................. 5 75 The Warbler Bk and Bird Lore, full yr. 3  Tbe arbler Book and a New subscription to the Condor ............................. 3 65 Prompt quoth[ions on any Bk, aziue, Oolosts and Taxidemis Tool ggs in fine sets lis for the asking. EN3MIN Stephentown, New Yor 0rnith010$ists WAiSTED--Exchange in eggs with any reli- able collector; also skins exchanged for eggs. Particularly desire 6o7, 6ioa, 6IIa, 7o2, 7o7a, ?o9, 7iI, 5o3, 5o4 and three sets with nests of 505.--1t. H. BAILEY, Neworl News, Va. PACIFIC GROVE, CALIF. When replying to advertisements please mention T H]* CONDOR I am expecting to leave in January on my farewell trip to the Oalapagos Archipelago stopping en route at Clarion, Soeorro and Cocos Islands. I will be in a position to collect to order a limited number of high grade specimens of sea- birds and a small number of land birds from several islands. Have a place for an energetic young man who can make FIRST CLASS land bird skins.


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