Nov., 9o?
T Tachycineta thalassina brachyptera, i39 lepida, I94 Telmatodytes palnstris palndicola, 9 t plesins, Tanager, Western, I58, Taylor, H. R., a notable sparrow's nest, 28 Taylor, Walter P., review of a paper on the eyes of birds, I66; review of Forbes's "Or- nithological Cross-section of Illinois", Taremet, P. A., the new check-list, 55 Teal, Blue-winged, Cinnamon, 86, i86 Tern American Black, 97, Caspian, 97 Common, Io5 Foster, 97, Least, 58 Thayer, John E. (with Outram Bangs), birds collected by W. W. Brown, Jr., on Cerros, San Benito and Natividad islands in the spring of i9o6 , with notes on the biota of the islands, 7Z; catalog of birds collected by W. W. Brown, Jr., in middle Lower California, 35 Thayer, John E., eggs of the Rosy Gull, W9 Thrasher, Bendire, i96 Brown, i95 Palmer, i96 Pasadena, 90 Sage, 42, x9o, x94 Thrush, Alaska Hermit, x35 Audubon Hermit, x95 Hermit, Olive-backed, 54 Sierra Hermit, x9x Varied, t28, I32 Thryomanes bewickii cerroensis, 77, 79, x38 charienturus, 79, 9 lencogaster, x95 Titmonse, Gray, x95 Plain, 9 o, I99 Torrey, Bradford, the Vermill;on Flycatcher at S.anta Barbara, xo9 Towbee, Abert, x57 Anthony, 85, 89 Arctic, x57 Brown, 26 Green-tailed, x9o Spurred, 24, 8I, I57, I58 Toxostoma bendfrei, i96 cinereum mearnsi, i38 crissale, I96 curvirostra paltoefl, i96 lecontei arenicola, I38 rediviva helva, redivivum pasadenense, 9 rufum, i95 Trochilus anna, 78 alexandri, 88 colubris, 58 costar, 78, 8i Troglodytes aedon parkmani, 9 Turkey, Merriam, I53 Tumstone, Black, i29 Common, IIO Tyler, John G., a colony of Tri-colored Blackbirds, I77 Tyrannus tyranuus, I54 verticalis, 88, I55, I89 vociferans, 88, I37, I55 u Urubitinga anthracina, I io v Vireo, Anthony, 60 Cassin, I9O Least, 9o Western Warbling, 9o, I94 Vireo bellii pusillus, x39 solitarius cassinii, x9o gilvus swainsoni, 90, x94 huttoni oberholseri, 9I obscurus, 60 pusillus, 90 vicinior, I39 Vulture, Black, 57 California, i6o Turkey, 86, I54, I87 w Wad-marker, i62 Warbler, Audubon, i9o , i94 Golden Pileolated, 9o Hermit, i9o Lutescent, I9O Magnolia, Iyrtle, Orange-crowned, 54 Pileolated, Prothonotary. Tolmie, i9o , x94 Townsend, 60, Yellow, 26.90, Warren, Edward R., phoiographing Magpies, 5; an interesting occurrence of the Canyon Wren, III Water-thrush, Alaska, 28, 6o Whip-poor-will, Stephens, Whitman, C. O., review of his paper on "the problem of the origin of species," 30 Willett, G., summer birds of a prairie lake, Wilsonia pusilia chryseola, 9o, I39 pileolated, Wood, Casey A.,review of his paper on eyes and eyesight of birds, Woodpecker, Arctic Three-toed, I88 Batchelder, I54