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THE CONDOR VOL. IX Lark, California Horned, 88 Larus argentatus, 9 I californicus, I3 canus, ! IO delawarensis, I3, Io6 heermanni, 78, 80 oceidentalis, 78, 9 I Law, J. Eugene, the English Sparrow in Los Angeles County, a8; notice of his election as Business Manager, 2oo Leueosticte australis, 156 Leucosticte, I3 a Brown-capped, I56 Linnet, 2 S Linton, C. B., another record of the Alaska Water-thrush in California, 60; the Mew Gull in southern California, Izo; the Horned Grebe in southern California, Mexican Black Hawk in California, correction, I99 Longspur, Chestnut-collared, I56 Loon, Common, I86 Lophortyx caUfornicus ealifornicus, I73 vallieola, 27, 86, I36, I49, I98 gainbell, Io9, 148, I96 Loxia eurvirostra bendfrei, i89 stricklandi, I56 leucoptera, 57 M Magpie, 57 Black-billed, I55 Gray, I47 Yellow-billed, 25, 28 Mailliard, Joseph, another new record for Marin County, California, 28 Mallard, 86, Io5, I86 Mareca americana, iio Marsden, H. W., feeding habits of the Lewis Woodpecker, 27 Martin, Western, 89, I9 McGregor, Richard C., pointers for the field naturalist, 161; Siphia erithacus Sharpe; a correction, i62 Meadowlark, Western, 88, I56, I89 Megascops asio aikeni, I45 bendfrei, 87 maxwellae, I4o, I45 flammeola, I54 Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi, 87 lewisi, 27 torquatus, I54, I88 Meleagris gallopavo merriami, I53 Melopelia leucoptera, I36, I97 Melospiza cinerea cooperi, 89, I4o lincolni, I57 melodia montana, I57 Merganser americanns, 86 American, I86 !ylershon, W. B., review Of his "The Passenger igeon," II 4 Merula migratoria, 57 propfuqua, 27, I9I, I95 Micropallas whitneyi, I97 Minutes of Cooper Club Meetings, 3 z, 64, 96, 116, 2Ol Mimus polyglottos leucopterus, 79, 9 , I37, I94 Mockingbird, Western., 43, 85, 9% I52, I94. Molothrus ater, i56 Mud-hen, io 5 Murrelet, Kitt!itz , I35 Marbled, i28, I35 Xantus, $8 Myadestes townsendi, I9I, I95 Myers, Harriet Williams, nesting ways of the western gnatcatcher, 48; nesting habits of Phainopepla nitens, Ioi Myiarchus cineraseens, 88, I53 mexieanus pertinax, 37 N Nannus hiemalls paeifieus, I9o Napthalin, I62 Nighthawk, Texas, 88, i96 Western, I54, I88, I96 Nueifraga eolumbiana, i55 , I89 Numeniu$ hudsonieus, 8o, Io 9 Nutcracker, Clarke, I55, I89 Nuthatch, Pigmy, I9o, I95 Red-breasted, 54, I52, I9o Slender-billed, i9o , i9S Nyetanassa violacea, 1io o Oidemia deglandi, I98 Old-squaw, 58 Oreortyx pictus plumiferus, I49, I87 Oreospiza chlorura, I4o, z57, I9o Oriole, Arizona Hooded, 88, I96 Bullock, 2S, 88, z56, i96 Scott, I96 Oroscoptes montanus, 42, I37, I9o , I94 Orpheus felivox, $7 Orthogensis, 3o Osprey, 57, I87 Otocoris alpestris aetia, 88 areticola, I55 arenicola, I55 enertera, 78, 8I, I37 leucolema, I55 Ouzel, Water, i75 , i74 , i94 Owl, American Long-cared, 87 Barn, 87, z54 Barred, i98 Burrowing, 85, 87 California Screech, 87 Elf, I97 Flammulated Screech, I54 Ground, 24, 25, 154 Horned, 20, 128 Long-eared, 85, I54

Paqifi Horned, 20, I, 87

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