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Nov., 19o7 INDEX TO VOLUME IX 205

Grouse, Dusky, 153 Richardson, 54 Sooty, 128 Sharp-tailed, 153 Guillemot, 128, Guiraea eerulea lazula, 89 Gull, American Herring, 11o Bonaparte, Glaucous-winged, 35 Mew, 1o, 99 Ross's, 179 Rosy, 179 Ring-billed, 1o6 abine, 58, 18o, 198 Short-billed, 128 Western, IIO Gullsas scavengers, 91 Gun Varnish, 62 Gymnogyps ealifornianus, lO6 H Haematopus frazari, 78, 80, 81 palliatus, 78 Haliteetus leucoeephalus, 87 Hanna, W. C., notes from Colton, California, 198 Hawk, Cooper, 86, 154 , 187 Duck, 86, Night, 58 Marsh, 153 Mexican Black, Iw, 99 Pigeon, 57 Red-bellied, 22, 86 Sharp-shinned, 132, 154 Sparrow, 57, 87, 54, 187 Swainson, 25, 86, 154, 178 184 Western Red-tailed, 86, 132, 154 Heinemann, Oluf J., photos by, 174, I75, 176 Heleodytes brunneicapillus affinis, 138 couesi, 9o Helminthophila celata, 54 lutescerts, 139, 19o Henderson, Junius, destruction of herons by a hailstorm, 162; communication on the pos- sessive form in vernacular nomenclature, 166; Colorado notes, 198 Heron, Great Blue, lO6, 162, 187 Greeu, IIO

Yellow-crowned Night, xo 

Hersey, L. J. (with R. B. Rockwell), a new breeding bird for Colorado: the Cassin Sparrow (Pencoa cassini) nesting near Denver, I9I Hesperiphona vespertina montana, 189 Heteractitis incanus, 78 Hitundo americana, 58 erythrogaster, 158 , 19o riparia, 58 Hummingbird, Auna, 88, Blaek-ehinned, 85, 88 Broad-tailed 154 Calliope, 189 Costa, 88, 158 Rufous, 128 Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis, 97 surinameusis, 186 Hylocichla guttara auduboni, 195 sequoiensis, 191 I Ibis, White-faced Glossy, 91 Icteria virens longicauda, xo, 24, 19% 193 Icterus bullocki, 25, 59, 88, 156, 196 cuculatus nelsoni, 79, 88, 139, 196 parisorum, 39, 196 phteniceus, 57 Iridoprocne bicolor, 19 o J Jaeger, Parasitic, 135 Jay, Coast, 174 Common Blue, 57 Belding, 88 Blue, slaughter of, 62 Blue-fronted, 189 California, 25 Long-crested, I55 Pinyon, 156 Rocky Mountain, 155 Steller, 121 Woodhouse, 81, 155, 156 Junco, Gray-headed, 199 Intermediate, 157 Oregon, 60 Pink-sided, 157 Point Pinos, 173 Sierra, 189 Slate-colored, 157 Junco caniceps, 199 hyemalis, 157 connectens, 157 pinosus, 173 thurberi, 189, 199 mearnsi, 157 K Killdeer, 86, 187 Kingbird, Arkansas, 88, 154, 155, 189 Cassin, 88, 55 Kingfisher, Belted, 54, 188 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned, 191 , I95 Sitka, 6o, 128 Western Golden-crowned, 6o, 129, Kittiwake, Pacific, 199 L Lanius borealis, 57 excubitor, 146 ludovicianus excubitorides, 194

gambeli, 79, 90, 139, x9o

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