Stellula calliope. Calliope Hummingbird. Seen in the mountains near Big Meadows and at Papoose Valley. One taken at Eagle Lake on the northwest side, July 5, and one of a pair seen at Papoose Valley taken July 1. Very rare. Tyrannus verticalis. Arkansas Kingbird. This was a common breeder at Eagle Lake, where it was numerous along shore in dead pines. Contopus richardsonfl. Western Wood Pewee. Occasionally seen in Sierra Nevada Mountains, and a nest found in large pine tree at the Lake July 12. Not common at the Lake. Empidonax wrightii. Wright Flycatcher. Two sets of four eggs with nests were taken near Butte Meadows June 14. The nests were very beautifully con- structed; each was placed in a manzanita bush, and composed of bark fibers of the same, so as to resemble the surroundings. Birds were seen at the Lake. Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis. Blue-fronted Jay. Common at the Lake; two taken. Nucifraga columbiana. Clarke Nutcracker. A few flocks seen at Eagle Lake; very wary and hard to approach; only one taken. Always seen in small open glades, surrounded by tall pines, in hot dry country in lava beds. Their chief diet seemed to be grasshoppers and juniper berries. Xanthocephalus xanth0cephalus. Yellow-headed Blackbird. First seen at Big Meadows where they breed in large numbers. Eggs and birds taken. A flock of a dozen birds were seen flying at Papoose Valley. Breeding at Eagle Lake on northwest side, 12 miles from camp, in open country in a great growth of tules. Agelaius gubernator calif0rnicus. California Bi-colored Blackbird. Breeding at the Lake. Sturnella nglecta. Western Meadowlark. One seen in small meadow sur- rounded by dense forest and far from any open country. Have never seen one in such a place before. Several were seen at the northwest side of the Lake. Euphagus cyanocephalus. Brewer 'Blackbird. Several seen at edge of timber at the Lake. Altho no nests were found they must have been breeding, as young birds were frequently seen. Hesperiphona vespertina montana. Western Evening Grosbeak. Two pairs were taken on Buck Creek, Plumas County, June 17; each pair taken at a different time on this date. No others were seen. Carpodacus cassini. Cassin Purple Finch. Seen first at Buck Creek. Breed- ing at Papoose Valley, and seen at the Lake. Taken at all three places. Loxia curvirostra bendirei. Sierra Crossbill. Two large flocks were seen at Eagle feeding in Maple trees; twenty-two birds were taken, varying in plumage. Spinus pinus. Pine Siskin. Seen at Eagle Lake in the latter part of June and July. Spizella socialis arizone. Western Chipping Sparrow. Seen thru the Sierras and at Eagle Lake. A nest with two eggs was found at an elevation of 5000 feet in a greasewood bush two feet from ground, June 25, three miles from Papoose Valley. Spizella breweri. Brewer Sparrow. Breeding at the Lake; a few sets taken July 6 and 7. Nests built in sage brush close to ground. Junco hyemalis thurberi. Sierra Junco. Breeding at Lake, where three sets were taken. First set taken June 12 and 14; last set found July 11, the last egg being laid on the day of discovery. Birds taken. Passerella iliaca megarhyncha. Thick-billed Sparrow. Breeding at Lake.
Nine birds taken,