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White-throsted Swifts of Capistrsno (with two photos). . Florence lt'erriam Baile.7 x6 9 From Boulder to the Ses (with three photos by Olu. fJ. Heinemann) .............. ......................................................... 2ilton $. Ray I73 A Colony of Tri-colored Blackbirds ............................... .fohn G. Tyler Eggs of the Rosy Gull (with three photos) ...................... fohn E. 77ayer I79 The Prairie Falcons of Saddle-back Butte (with two photos) ....... P. . Peabody I8o A Collecting Trip by Wagon to Eagle Lakes Sierra Nevada Mountains ............ ...................................................... Harry H. Sheldon A New Breeding Bird for Colorado: The Cassin Sparrow (Peuccea cassini) nesting near Denver (with two photos) .......... . jr. Hersey and R. . Rockwell Some Birds of Southwest Colorado (concluded) .............. 2. French Gilman i94 Summer Notes from an Arizona Camp ........................ Muslin Paul Smit I96 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Colorado Notes .......................................... jrunius Henderson Notes from Colton, California ................................ IF. C. Hanna Concerning a few Abnormally Marked Eggs .......... Arelson I. Car.enter Gray-headed Junco in the Cuyamaca Mountains,California .xlusti Paul Smil] I99 Passer domesticus ............................................ I-I. F. ltrey i99 Correction .................................................... C.B.Linton 199 ]DITORIALS .................................................................. 200 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ........................................ 2oi INDEX TO VOLUME IX ......................................................... 202 ILLUSTRATIONS IN VOLUME[ IX .............................................. 2II Entered as second-ciasa matter May x6 at the post office at Pasadena, California. under Act o! Congress of March 3, x$7q. Issued !tom The Office of The Condor, 576 North Marengo Ave. Pasadena, Cal. Subscribers In sending in renewals for I9O8 please note that the price of Tin; Com)o is now $1.50 per year in the United States, Mexico and U.S. Colonies.  $1.75 per year in Canada and all other countries in the International Postal Union. Send IV[embers Dues of 2.OO includes TIE Corn)oR Sub- scription as before. in Earlr and Avoid 1viissing Anr Numbers Send Subscriptions and Dues to J. EUGENE LAW, B;sIaSs M^^Cl, HOLLYWOOD CALIFORNIA.

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