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LOYER  of the Out Door !,ire Needs Outing Clothing  . We hlako it Handsome, Comfort-   ' ' ablegarmeutsof khaki and corduroy, made to ply high grade foot wear, laced hoots, moccasins, still hunters dries. ALWAYS IN STOCK Taxidermists Guns Standard Ammunition ,  , Fishing Tackle .... '  Compasses  ., Field Glasses The AVm. H. Hoegee Co., Inc. 138-X40-I42 South Main St. Los Angeles, Cl. The Warblers ot North mcrica l]y N'IANe' M. CHAPMAN With 4 full page colored plates, illustrating male, female andyonng of all species, and eight full page plates ot nests and eggs. large 8vo Cloth, $a.9o The Bird, Its Form and Fnnctiou, by C. V'illiam Beebe, with over 37 illustrations $3 35 Peary's Nearest the Pole ................ The'arbler x9o5 and :9o 2 Vols. cmplete 4x 5o , 5 The V'arbler Book and Warbler, 2 Vols- x9o5-6 .................... Country Life iu Amerfa,'iulf ;&r, 'd' i6e 4 o Warbler Book ............................. $ 75 The Warbler Book and Bird Lore, full year. 3 60 The V'arbler Book and a New subscription to the Condor ............................. 3 65 Prompt quotations on any Book, Magazine, Oologists and Taxidermists Tools. lggs in fine sets, lists for the asking. DEHJAMIN HOA6 Stephentown, New York WANTEDPair of each of all the Hum- mingbirds (U.S. and Foreign, excepting Blackchinned, Costa, Anna, Allen.) Best of exchange offered, and only best of skins ac- cepted. Send skins subiect to examination. Refer you to any official Southern Division, Cooper Club. C. B. LXNTON, 658 Easl 39 St., Los tngeles, Cal. OOLOGISTS AND ORNITHOLOGISTS ATTENTION--"In the Haunts of the Swain- son's Warbler," A booklet giving the de- scription, migration, notes food, nests and eggs, etc. Illustrated by photograph,; by DR. 1I. T. CLECKLE, /oStt Ga. SENT POST- PAID FOR 35 CENTS. WANTED--I will give two dollars, cash, for a good copy of Vol. I, No. 3 of the CONDOR (Bulletin of Cooper Ornithological Club). ROBERT P. SHARPLES, [/eSt C/lester Pa. V'heu replying to advertisements THE NEW MAMMAL BOOK alif0rnia 5iammals By FRANK STEPHENS Large octavo; 35o pages; illustrated; cloth bound. Describes all the known species and subspecies of California mammals, gives their general range and more or less notes on their habits. PRICE $3.50, POSTPAID Published and for sale by the West Coast Publishing go., 2299 Robinson Ave., 8an Diego, 6alifornia

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