soon becoming common. Nest and five eggs found May 6. Mr. Warren says they appeared about April 15 in Montezuma County. Chondestes grammacus strigatus. Western Lark Sparrow. A few seen during the nesting season. Not common. Zonotrichia leucophrys. White-crowned Sparrow. A number seen during early spring, and a pair seen all thru nesting season tho no nest located. Two pairs seen in a mountain meadow just below timber line. Zonotrichia leucophrys gainbell. Gambel Sparrow. een during migration. Mr. Warren reports it from the McElmo district, April 13. Spizella monticola ochracea. Western Tree Sparrow. Several seen during the winters of 1906 and 1907. Spizella socialis arizona,. Western Chipping Sparrow. Abundant. Found nesting at Fort Lewis, Cortez and Navajo Springs. Junco hyemalis. Slate-colored Junco. One seen several times during March, 1906, and another seen in January, 1907. Junco hyemalis connectens. Intermediate Junco. Numerous all winter. Junco mearnsi. Pink-sided Junco. Abundant during the winter months, leaving about the second week in April. A partial albino secured. Junco caniceps. Gray-headed Junco. Numerous at Fort Lewis during win- ter and early spring. Seen at timber line in July. Amphispiza bilineata deserticola. Desert Sparrow. Seen in the La Plata River valley near the New Mexico line and at Navajo Springs. Mr. Warren saw the bird in the McElmo district in April. gmphispiza belli nevadensis. Sage Sparrow. Seen near Navajo Springs. Mr. Warren reports it as taken at Coventry. Melospiza melodia montana. Mountain Song Sparrow. Three seen in the spring of 1906 at Fort Lewis. Melospiza lincolni. Lincoln Sparrow. One secured at Fort Lewis. Passerella iliaca schistacea. Slate-colored Sparrow. Three seen in the spring of 1906. Pipilo maculatus arcticus. Arctic Towhee. Several noted in January and February, 1906. Pipilo maculatus megalonyx. Spurred Towhee. Nesting abundantly all over the mesas, and among scrub oak, wild roses and wild cherries. Pipilo aberti. Abert Towhee. Between Cortez and Navajo Springs I saw what I believed to be this bird but had no gun with which to secure it. 0reospiza chlorura. Green-tailed Towhee. Arrived April 28 at Ft. Lewis. Nested on the mesas in bushes usually near a small stream. Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Grosbeak. Arrived May 15. A few nested in the locality. Cyanospiza amena. Lazuli Bunting. Rather common, nesting in the small wild cherry shrubs and in the wild roses. Calamospiza melancorys..Lark Bunting. Seen from near Cortez to Navajo Springs in May. A nest found at Navajo Springs, June 1, contained four fresh eggs and a broken one just outside the nest. This was beneath a clump of grass and quite similar in appearance and location to that of a Lark Sparrow. The birds were quite numerous and not at all wild. The flight song is very pleasing, the bird flying upward at an angle approaching 50 and then fluttering slowly to the ground uttering his song nearly the whole time he is in the air. Six or eight of the oddly colored males in the air at once going thru their maneuvers is something
worth seeing, and possesses a fascination for one.