bought boiled rice from the inn, and made bannocks in the frying pan over a charcoal fire. The commonest bird at Penchan was the species of Emberiza found in China and Korea; there were several other sparrows but I cannot name them; a nuthatch (Silla) inhabited the pine trees, and a species of Jcredula with a wholly white head was seen in the woods. About the bushes and tangled vines at edges of paddy fields we sometimes found large flocks of a little bird I called the "Rosy-tinted Tit." It is about the size of our Plain Titmouse, but with a longer, graduated tail. The ground-color of head and body is dull gray-brown, but in some lights it has a distinctly rosy tinge, especially on the breast. A thrush much like our robin was obtained, and a specimen of a blue flycatcher (7trsig'er). Some dippers ( Cinclus pallas/i) were seen, and one preserved. Going in bands of ten to twenty- five, was a gray magpie (probably Cyanopica). It has a blue-black head and is so shy that one seldom gets more than one chance to shoot at the flock. The same gray shrike mentioned above was seen several times here, and obtained. Other birds were the red-bellied woodpecker (Z)ryobales subcirris), a ];tlco, a Circus, and a small snipe. On November 4th, I moved 15 miles northeast to a town called Kimhoa (which may be found on the best maps). I had been led to think that there was more woods there, but on arrival found only a small town with scarcely a tree in sight. We found, however, on exploration several hilltops grown with pines and oaks, and these we called, by courtesy, "the woods." At this new town we had better quarters, and were able to accomplish more. Altho most of our time was spent in trapping mammals, our chief object, we secured a number of birds in addition to those taken before. A small red-bellied woodpecker (Z)ryobates ./?tponicus), a green woodpecker (]icus canus) and a small black-and-gray woodpecker (probably Z)ryobales) were found here. Also a ptarmigan (Lagopus) and some mallard, which we used to persuade the Japanese garrison to let us have some charcoal. Then there was a hawfinch (Coccothrausles), a purple finch (Carpodacus), and a greenfinch (Chloris?). One day Orii brought in an eagle (Aquila); and a waxwing (Ampelis), a wren (7Yoglodyles), and the creeper (Certhia faro/l/aris) xvere among the additions to the collection. In some valleys I occasionally saw cranes ((;rus sp.) but did not try to secure them. Once I saw a large white swan which I suppose was Cygrtus mus/cus. Later these swans became plentiful and were on sale in the markets at Seoul, Fusan, etc. At Kimhoa geese (Anser segelum?) were often seen flying over. Later when I was farther south they became very abundant indeed along the larger streams. Korea is a paradise for the duck and goose hunter. A little quail (Coturn/x) was seen once or twice, but not secured in this locality; and one of the very commonest birds was the Siberian tit (Parus sp.). At the end of November we forsook this part of Korea and went southward. The Koreans are a kind, simple-hearted, and hospitable people. They are uneducated it is true, but not so ignorant as some would have us think. They generally treated me as if I were a prince.
Chefoo, China.