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Vhen the young have left the nest, the parents join the brood among the trees and during the late summer and early fall are seldom seen owing to their quiet and seclusive habits; but as the cold, frosty nights approach the birds prepare the nuuierous cavities with warm liniugs of feathers of the smaller birds, and it is in these cosy winter homes that Megascops is found thru- out severe weather. The birds are of a rather solitary nature and rarely uiore than one pair is found iu a grove, thruout which will be seen extensive evi- dences of their occupancy. I have never found two nests within a half mile of each other and ordinarily they will be separated by-twice that . distance.  The range of this sub- species as uear as can be as- certained has its southern liuiit iu the viciuity of Colo-  rado Springs. where Mr. C.  E. Aikeu, the discoverer of JleArttscops tts[o aikcui, cou- siders them as regular xSuter residents, being replaced  froui there south by [. a. - . , aikeui. Both Derails Gale and V. V. Cooke state that " J[. a. maxwellw rarely as- cends higher thmi 6000 feet, which would preclude the  possibility of its exteudiug - more than a few miles up iuto the foothills, aud the  m(xst easterly record is re- corded by Cooke as "30 miles out on the plains' ', YOUNG NEARLY FULL-FLEDGED ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCREECH OWLS probably' referriug to the Lovelaud, Colorado, record of V . G. Sniith. The uorthern limit, accordiug to Beudire, is Fort Custer in southeasteru Montana, which tho a very early record, I believe still stands. Froui this it will be seen that maxwelk* is strictly a foothills form, inhabitiug aloug, uarrow strip of comitry rminiug in a geueral north aud south direction and closely adhering to the base of the eastern foothills of the Rocky Momitains.

]enz,er, Colorado.

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