Spizella breweri Cassin. Ten specimens, both sexes, Santana, San Jabier and Rosarito, February 26 to April 1. Mr. Brown did not take Spzella pallida, tho it probably occurs in this region in winter. Melospiza cinerea cooperi Ridg. One specimen, Rosario, November 18. This bird, a migrant, of course, is not typical, having probably come from a region where coope'i intergrades with some other form. Zonotrichia a leucophrys leucophrys (Forster). Three specimens, adult male and female, and young male, Rosarito, and San Jabier, March 2, 27 and 29. Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii (Nuttall). Seven specimens, adults and young of both sexes, Rosarito and San Jabier, February 25 to Aprll 2. 0reospiza chlorura (Aud.). One male, San Jabier, March 30. Pipilo crissalis senicula (Anthony). Seven adults, both sexes, Santana and San Jabier, March. Some skins in this series have the throat distinctly paler posteriorly, while others have it uniform; all are whitish in the middle of the belly, and intergradation with P.c. albiula is plainly indicated. ' oslon, 4rass. SOME COLORADO NOTES ON THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCREECH OWL By ROBERT B. ROCKWELL URING the long dreary winter months when the countryside is shrouded in snow and ice and when most of our feathered friends are taking their an- nual vacation in the sunny southland, there is one little fellow who is con- stantly with us and who, tho very inconspicuous to the casual observer, is sure to be found by the lonesome bird student who is disconsolate enough to brave snow and cold for a short visit with the birds along the well wooded streams in the vicin- ity of Denver. The Rocky Mountain Screech Owl (fi/feascops aso maxwellce)--forthis is the feathered gentleman to whom I refer--is a resident thruout the year all along the eastern base of the foothills in the north central part of Colorado, but his hunting and breeding grounds are closely restricted to the well wooded creek bottoms, the only locations in this sparsely timbered region which afford him proper food, nest- ing sites and means of concealment. As to whether this bird performs a slight north and south movement at migra- tion periods, there seems to be a difference of opinion. Some observers declare that Megascops leaves its summer home around Denver, and moves south as far at least as Colorado Springs (75 miles), and its breeding grounds are occupied as a winter home by migrants from farther north. Others claim that it spends the entire year in the sanhe haunts, laying its eggs in one of the many cavities occupied during the. winter. Whichever view of the matter is correct, it is a fact that thruout the year the "owl stumps" so dear to the memory of every bird student, are occupied by these birds, and it is seldom indeed that a good sized grove of aged timber, with a few dead stumps scattered thru it, will not contain a pair of Screech Owls. A very dull and lifeless bird you would undoubtedly call it as--your arm in- 3 We are of eourse aware of the name l-Iortulanus Vieillot (seeAI, I,Ig., Bull. Am. Mus. of N. I-I. Vol. XXIII, p. 36o, 19o7) that by first species rule replaces Pipilo and by elimination Jonotrichia, but until it is formally alloted
to oue or the other, we prefer using the old names.