Santana, March. These two skins are not typical, but are tending toward ypo- leuca of the Cape region. Lanius ludovicianus gambeli Ridg. Eight adults, both sexes, Santana, Rosa- rito and San Jabier, February 27 to March 30. These skins were identified for us by Nelson and Oberholser, who pronounce them perfectly typical. Gambel's Shrike appears to be the breeding form of.the whole peninsula of Lower California. Vireo vicinior Coues. One adult female, Santana, March 13. Vireo bellii pusillus (Coues). One adult male, Santana, March 17. Ampelis cedrorum (Vieill.). Two males, Santana, March 14 and 20. Phainopepla nitens (Swai.ns.). Three adults, both sexes, Santana, March. Tachycineta thalassina brachyptera Brewster. Three adult males, Santana, March 11. These are extreme examples of the Cape St. Lucas form, measuring respectively--wing 107, 104, 103.5; tail 42.5, 42, 43. This record establishes the fact that the form extends at least half way up the peninsula. Anthus pensilvanicus (Latham). One adult male, Santana, March 24. Itelminthophila celata lutescens Ridg. Three specimens, two males and a female, Santana and San Jabier, March 11 and March 28. Geothlypis trichas arizela Oberholser. Two adults, male and female, San .Jabier, March 28 and April 4. The plumage is quite abraded in both, and they have the appearance of having been breeding birds. Wilsonia pusilia chryseola Ridg. Two adult males, Santana, March 19 and 20. Scolecopbagus cyanocephalus (Wagler). Three males, Rosario, November. Icterus cucullatus nelsoni Ridg. One adult male, Santana, March 2. Icterus parisorum Bonap. Three males, Santana, March 16 to 22. Agelaius tricolor (Aud.). One male, Rosario, November 11. Agelaius pheniceus neutralis Ridg. Txvo males, Rosario, November. Sturnella neglecta Aud. Five specimens, both sexes, Rosario, November, and Rosarito and San Jabier, February and March. Astragalinus psaltria hesperopbilus Oberholser. One adult female, San Jabier, March 27. Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis Say. Two adults, male and female, Santana, March 20 and 31. The adult male is in color perfectly typical?')'ozta[/s, with the red portions of the plumage restricted exactly as in the average male of that form. Its wing measures 74 min.--perhaps a trifle short forfrolals; but Mr. Brewster found so much variation in his series from Cape St. Lucas of C. . rttberrt'mts in measurements that he considers this character cannot be relied upon to distinguish the form. The wing of the female measures 74 min., also--about the average length in any large series of C. m. '3'otlalt's, female. Calamospiza melanocorys Stejneger. One male, Santana, March 31. Passerculus sandwichensis alaudinus (Bonap.). Two specimens, male and female, Rosarito, February 25. Amphispiza bilineata deserticola Ridg. Fourteen adults, both sexes, Rosarito, San Jabier, Santana, February 26 to April 1. Amphispiza belli cinerea Towns. Seventeen adults, both sexes, San Jabier, Rosarito, February 22 to March 31. To secure a good series of this very local and strongly characterized subspecies was one of Mr. Brown's particular missions to this region. He found the bird to be not very common at the places at which he collected. Spizella socialis arizonee Coues. Two adults, male and female, Santana, March 20 and 24.
Spizella atrogularis (Cabanis). One adult male, Santana, March 19.