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Toxostoma cinereum mearnsi Anthony. Twenty-four adults, both sexes, Rosario, San Jabier, and Santana, November, March and April. The skins from Rosario are of course true 7'. c. mearnsi; those from the more southern localities-- San Jabier and Santana--show slight signs of intergradation toward true c[nereum of the Cape region, especially in the black spots on the under parts being rather less purely black, more brownish. T0x0st0ma rediviva helva Thayer and Bangs. 7'oxosloma redz'viv helve, 7'hayer and ]3ang's, ]roc. JVew Eng. Zool. Club, Vol. ZV,, pp. 17-18. April _70, I9O7. One hundred and thirty-four specimens, both sexes, Roario, October 25 to November 26. T0x0st0ma lec0ntei arenic01a Anthony. Thirty-two specimens, adults and young of both sexes, San Jabier, March 27 to April 7. This Thrasher must breed very early in the season as nestlings at this date were fully fledged, many of them full grown. All young birds including those praqtically full grown have the bill much shorter than the adults. In color the young are much like the adult except in being rather more fulvous, especially on belly and under tail coverts, and less "bleached." The adults are all in rather worn and faded plumage. 'Planesticusmigrat0rius pr0pinquus (Ridg.). One female, Rosario, Novem- ber 15. P01i0ptila carulea 0bscura Ridg. Three adults, two males and a female, Santana and San Jablet, March 14 to April 1. P01i0ptila calif0rnica Brewster. Four adults, three males and a female, Santana and Rosarito, February 24 to March 17. These skins show some signs of being intermediate between P. plumbea and P. caliJbrnica. The white edge of the outer teetrix is wider than in true P. californica, tho it is black next the shaft, and the gray of under parts is darker than in P. plumbea more nearly as in /.' cahbrnica. The color of the back is about intermediate between that of typical examples of the two forms, being darker than in P. plumbea, but not so dark nor so slaty as in P. cahfornica. ttele0dytes brunneicapillus affinis (Xantus). Fifteen specimens, adults of both sexes, Santana and San Jablet, March. This series represents a form de- cidedly nearer to a2ffnis than to bryanlL In only one character do these skins approach bryanli and that is in the spotting below which is usually heavier than in Cape St. Lucas specimens; still some skins in the series differ even i.n this respect but little from true Z r. b. a2ffnis. Anthony (Auk, Vol. XII, p. 280, 1895) says he would expect to find intergradation taking place between the two forms at no great distance south of San Fernando, but that skins from that place are nearer bryanh'. A nest with three fresh eggs was taken from a cactus, three feet from the ground, March 17 at Santana. Thry0manes bewickii cerr0ensis (Anthony). Ten adults, both sexes, Santana, San Andris, San Jabier and Rosarito, February 27 to March 31. These are in all respects quite like skins from Cerros Island, and the Cerros Wren is therefore not an island form but occurs also in the adjacent parts of the peninsula of Lower Cali- fornia. Nelson and Oberholser have examined this series and agree with us that the specimens are identical with Cerros Island examples. Salpinctes 0bs01etus 0bs01etus (Say). One adult female, Santana, March 19. Auriparus fiaviceps lampr0cephalus Oberholser. Four adults, three males and a female, Santana and Rosarito, March. These all are referable to the Cape St. Lucas form, being small, the wing in the series measuring:  49.5, 49.5 and 51; , 48.5.

fiphelocoma californica obscura Anthony. Two adults, male and female,

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