Two Studies in Blue (with six photos by H. 7'. oMrnan) ..... William L. Finley Some Experiences of a Collector in Alaska ........................ foseph Z)ixon Catalog of Birds Collected by W. W. Brown, Jr., in Middle Lower California ........................................ drohn E. 7ayer and Oulram Bangs I35 Some Colorado Notes on the Rocky Mountain Screech Owl (with five photos) ........................................................ Robert . Rockwell I4O A Collecting Trip in Korea ............................... 2Valcolm P./tnderson I46 The Gambel Partridge in California ....................... ,..Mr. French Gilman I48 Nesting of the Bi-colored Blackbird (with one ph,oto) .............. H. F. Duprey I49 Notes on the Pallid Wren-tit .................................. IVrigM dV. Pierce I5I Some Birds of Southwest Colorado .......................... iV. French Gilman I5 The Rufous-crowned Sparrow in San Diego County (with one photo) .......... ...................................................... Arelson K. Carpenter The Condor Fifty Years Ago ........................................ C. S. Sharp x6o FROM FIELD AND STUDY Pointers for the Field Naturalist ....................... Richard C. lrcGregor Destruction of Herons by a Hail-storm .................... funins Henderson Siphia erithacus Sharpe; a Correction .................. Richard C. MrcGregor I6 EDITORIALS Biographical notice of John Lewis Childs (with portrait) ................... x63 News Notes ............................................................... I64 Obituary notice of William L. Ralph ........................................ x65 COMMUNICATIONS The Possessive Form in Vernacular Nomenclature ......... funins Henderson I65 A Prize Bird Diary .................................. Frederick IV. lP'Evelyn I66 REVIEWS ............................ IValter P. Talor, S. D. and IV. O.E. I66 Entered as second-class matter May 19o6 at the pet office at Pasadena, California. under Act of Congress of March 3, x.87q- Issued from TheOffice of The Condor, 576 North Marengo Ave., Pasadena, Cal. us Subscribers [u sending in renewels for x9o8 will please note that the price of TH CONDOR is nOW $1.50 per year in the United States, Mexico and U.S. Colonies. $1.75 per year in Canada and all other countries in the International Postal Union. IV[embers Dues of $2:.00 includes THE CONVO Sub- scription as before. Send in Early and Avoid Missing Any Numbers
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