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Asio wils0nianus (Lesson). One female, Rosario, November 14. Bub0 magellanicus pacificus (Cassin). Two specimens, male and female, Rosario, November 18. These were, without doubt, migrants or winter visitors, as the breeding bird of the region is /3. m. elachislus. Bub0 magellanicus elachistus (Brewster). Three specimens, both sexes, Rosario, November. The five skins of Great Horned Owls listed above were care- fully identified for us by Nelson and Oberholser, and there is no question of the correctness of the identification. Nelson took/3. m. e[achislus in the same gen- eral region in the summer, and it would appear to be the breeding form of the Peninsula of Lower California north at least to San Quintin. Spe0tyto cunicularia hypogma (Bonap.). Eight specimens, both sexes, Rosario, November, and San Jablet, March. Strix pratinc01a Bonap. Seven specimens, both sexes, Rosario, October and November, and San Andris, February 29. This latter bird, a female, had an egg in the oviduct nearly ready to be laid. Phalmn0ptilus nuttallii nitidus Brewster. Two adults, male and female, Rosario, November 1 and November 12. Calypte c0stm (Bourc.). Four adults, three males and a female, San Jabier and Rosarito, February 22 to April 1. Pyr0cephalus rubineus mexicanus (Scl.). One female, Santana, March 24. Empid0nax difiicilis Baird. Two males, Santana, March 18 and March 20. These are probably migrants as they are certainly referable to d(lTic/h's and not to cinerilius. Empid0nax griseus Brewster. Two males, Santana, March 12 and 14. Say0rnis saya (Bonap.). Four adults, both sexes, San Jabier, San Andris and Rosarito, February 23 to March 30. Say0rnis nigricans (Swains.). Three adults, males, Santana, March 11 to March 20. These birds have the under tail coverts nearly wholly white and repre- sent %'. nighricans sero/alta (Vigors), if that form is recognized as a subspecies. We, however, are rather inclined to agree with the opinion of Brewster that the characters are too slight. Like Brewster's skins from the Cape Region, these Santana specimens have rather large bills. lIyiarchus mexicanus  pertinax (Baird). Thirteen adults, both sexes, Rosarito, Santana and San Jabier, March. These skins are all referable to the Cape St. Lucas form, differing from true mexicanus in grayer back and nape and much larger bill. Tyrannus v0ciferans Swains. One adult female, Santana, March 16. 0t0c0ris alpestris enertera Oberholser. Nine adults, both sexes, Rosarito and San Jabier, February and March. lIimus p01yg10ttos leuc0pterus (Vigors). Twenty-six adults, both sexes, Santana, San Jabier and Rosarito, March and April. 0r0sc0ptes m0ntanus (Towns.). Twenty-nine specimens, both sexes, Santana, Rosarito, San Jablet, February 23 to April 1. Brewster states that two specimens examined by him from La Paz were "larger and much deeper colored" than birds from Texas. The present series shows some variation in color, but on the whole we can see no decided difference either in size or color between it and specimens from New Mexico, Texas, etc., when skins in the same condition of plumage are compared. a Osgood (Auk, Vol. XXIV p. 29, April. :907) has shown from his examinatiot of Kaup's type that the Ash-

throated Flycatcher is 3I. medicanus, and that /. cooperi s the name of the bird we have been calling Myiarchus

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