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At San Quintin, Brown made large collections, chiefly of sea birds, but these we do not list as they contained species mostly well known from the region. In October and November he visited Rosario, latitude 30; and in late Feb- ruary, March and early April he worked south a little past latitude 29 or almost opposite Cerros Island, collecting at Santana, Rosarito, San Andris and San Jabier. It is the specimens secured at these points, south of San Quintin, that we list in the present article. The region is an interesting one, not only because several subspecies are peculiar to it, but because in other cases it appears to be where the Cape St. Lucas form intergrades with that of southern California or northern Lower California. Some of the records also extend the ranges of Cape forms to well up the peninsula, as in the case of the Violet-green Swallow and the Ash- throated Flycatcher. A good deal has already been published on the birds of this general region by Anthony, Bryant, Belding and others, but by far the most important contribution to our knowledge of the'ornis of Lower California is Wm. Brewster's "Birds of the Cape Region of Lower California. " In this carefully executed work the author gives the range of every species and subspecies so far as known, and refer- ences to the writings of all other ornithologists who have dealt with Lower Cali- fornia birds. Puffinus 0pisth0melas Coues. One male, San Jabier, April 2, 1907. Parabute0 unicinctus harrisi (Aud.). Two males, Rosarito and Santana, March 3 and March 19. Accipiter c00perii mexicanus (Swains.). One male, Rosario, Nov. 4, 1906, and one female, November 25. Accipiter ve10x pacificus (Lesson). One male, Rosario, November 19. Bute0 lineatus elegans (Cassin). One adult female, November 9. Cerchneis sparveria peninsularis (Mearns). Four specimens, both sexes, Rosario, November, and Santana, March 18. The latter, an adult male, is a pale and small example, its wing measuring but 167, and is an extreme example of peninsularis. L0ph0rtyx calif0rnicus vallic01a (Ridg.). Eighteen specimens, Rosario, October and November, and San Jabier, San Andris and Rosarito, February and March. Nests with eggs were taken at San Jabier, March 27 and April 1. 0xyechus v0ciferus v0ciferus (Linn.). One female, Rosario, November 6. Zenaidura car01inensis car01inensis (Linn.). Two specimens: a female, Rosario, November 6, and a male, Santana, March 18. Me10pelia leuc0ptera (Linn.). One adult female, Santana, March 20. Chamlepelia passerina pallescens Baird. One adult female, Santana, March 14. Ge0c0ccyx calff0rnianus (Less.). Three specimens, both sexes, Rosario, October and November, and Santana, March. C01aptes chrys0ides brunnescens Anthony. Eight specimens--one $ from Rosario, November 26; seven, both sexes, from Santana, San Jabier, and Rosarito, March. These skins are a trifle darker brown on the upper parts than in specimens from Arizona and Sonora in corresponding plumage, and, if brunnescens can be maintained as a subspecies, would probably all be considered as belonging to it. Sphyrapicus tuber (Gruel.). One female, Rosario, November 2. Dendr0c0pus scalaris lucasanus (Xantus). Five adults, both sexes, Santana and San Andris, February and March. x Birds of the Cape Region of Lower California, Bulletin of the Museum of Camparative Zoology, Vol. XLI,

NO. I, September, 19o2.

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