Ice cream was all right, but Littlejohn had to sit under an umbrella while he ground it out. When we were at Hooniah we all went up on the mountain (2600 feet) and I staid over night and trapped while Hasselborg went bear hunting and Stephens and Littlejohn came back to camp. Stephens got one Ptarmigan. It was a male about one half winter and one half summer plumage. Stephens flushed him from a clump of scrub hemlock near the summit. I saw one the next morning about three o'clock, but he was whizzing off down the mountain side. They were very conspicuous and consequently lying low. We didn't get any more. I saw several Leucostictes and had two good shots at one but failed to get him. It was about four o'clock in the morning and I was about froze. I saw others but couldn't get to them as they were on rock slides among cliffs that I couldn't hang on to. I had a waterproof (?) canvass but there was nothing to make a fire out of and it snowed and blew that night. My canvass leaked, I got wet and almost froze to death. I caught cold in the side of my head and was laid up for a week after- wards with an ulcerated tooth and you know I'm worse than useless when I have the toothache! And when I was laidup here a bear had to come along and I couldn't get out to join in the killing. Well, I got two big Microtus (178 and 175 min.) and two shrews in my traps, and hunted from three o'clock in the morning till about eight; then I started down. I got off the trail on the way down and was climbing around in a big patch of windfalls when a bird hopped up and sat on a log and looked at me. I saw that it was something new to me and that it was exactly what Hasselborg had seen the day before. Well, I got him and concluded that it was a pine grosbeak! Well, I got three males and three females before I got out. I only saw nine birds, but thought I would take all that came handy. One male was in the bright red plumare. They were all in breeding condition but they are hard things to put up. I see that Bailey says the Alaska Pine Grosbeak is restricted to the interior. What 'would this be apt to be? We packed up the next day and came over here just north of Bartlet Cove. The Indians came over one morning early and said that their dogs were after a bear. Hasselborg and Littlejohn went with them and after chasing around thru the woods for about an hour, in which they had separated, they finally came onto the bear in a thicket of alders. The bear charged upon them and the Indian that had a gun turned and ran without shooting. The other Indian had no gun so he started too. Littlejohn was at the tail end and saw the Indians and the bear com- ing. He sneaked behind a tree and shot the bear thru the shoulders just as she was reaching out to grab the Indian. The bear turned around and it took three more shots to finish her. She had a cub which they got; the dogs had been worry- ing her all night so she was "red hot." It was a brown bear about five feet, eight inches long and the fur has faded to a dirty yellow on the back. Hasselborg has killed four bears since he has been with us. He had two coming at him at once on Chichagof. It took three shots to kill one and five to stop the other, and when he quit he only had two shells left. They were male and female, and this is the breeding season; so that was evidently what made them so ugly. Yesterday we tried to go up to the bird islands about fifteen miles from here. They are right in front of Muir Glacier. It is throwing out so much ice that we couldn't get to the islands, but will try again later. We got out and the fog came down so that we couldn't see where we were and got caught in an eddy. The ice
began to pack and we almost lost the canoe before we knew it. We finally got to