G001)EI 0RHITHOLOGIGL CLUD A Chance to Complete Your Sets Now THE C0HDOR Bulletin o! th.Cluh Vol. I--(x899) out of print ........ Nos. 2, 5 and 6 each .......... $I oo Vol. II--(x9oo) .................... 3 oo Vol. III--(I9oI) ................... 3 oo Odd Nos. of Vols. 2 and 3 each $o Vol. IV--{I9o2) ................ 2 oo Vol. V--[I9o3) .................... x $o Vol. VI--(Io4) .................. I 5o Vol. VII--(x9o$) .................. 5o Vol. VIII--(9o6) ................. I 5o Vol. IX(I9o7, curtcut) ............. I $o Odd Nos. Vol. V to date ........... 3o June I, I9o 7 Address Pncific Coast Aviinunn No. I--BirdsoftheKotzebue Souud Region, Alaska, by Joseph Grinnell; 8o pp. and Map ..... $ 75 No. IIfLaud Birds of Santa Cruz Couuty California, by R. C. McGregor; 22 pp .............. 25 No. III--Check List of Califoruia Birds, by Joseph Griunell; xoo pp. and 2 Maps ............... 75 No. IVfBirds of the Huachuca Mouutains, Arizona, by Harry S. Swarth; 75 PP .............. 5o The above four Avifaunas, ordered together ...................... oo H. T. CLIFTON, lusine lVlanager P.O. Box 404 PASADENA, CAL. NOTICE.--I will be in a position to join any scientific expedition as ornithologist or open for engagement of similar nature by any col- lege, museum or private collector, for an un- limited time, tinginning January I, x9o8, WTH- OUT CASH REMUNERATION. Write for my proposition.C. B. LINTON, lura[ 3or$, Logit' 7eack, Calif. SELLING OUT CHEAP ]FOR CASH!- Choice Cabinet Sets, sets wit! nests, and singles, with full and accurate data, from the United States, Canada and Mexico. Stamp for list. Satisfaction guaranteed. I)OCTORM. T. CLECKLE, 457 Greene Slreet, lugusla, Ga. FOR SALE--"Albin's Birds," London I738, 3 vols., 3oohand-colored plates; in good con- dition. THOMAS H. JACKSON, 30 _iV. Frank- lin St., West Chester, Pa. THE NEW MAMMAL BOOK California Mammals By FRANK STIPHINS Large octavo; 350 pages; illustrated; cloth bound. Describes all the known species and subspecies of California mammals, gives their general range and more or less notes on their habits. PRICE 3.5o, POSTPAID Published and for sale by the West Coast Publishing Co., 2299 Robinson Ave., San Diego, 6alifornia
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