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Palmer, Dr. T. S., Dept. Agriculture, Wash- ington, D.C. x9o3. Park, Edgar, Thacher School, Nordhoff, Ven- tura Co. x9o5. Peabody, Rev. P. B., Blue Rapids, Kansas. x9o4. Pemberton, J. Roy, Stanford University. x9oo. Pierce, Wright M., Box xx6, Claremont. x9o2. Pinger, Philip, Golden, Colo. x9o4. Pleasants, Mrs. J. E., Box M, Santa Ans. x9oo. Price, A. E., Grant Park, Ilk x9o 5. Price, William W., Alta, Placer County. x898. Procter, J. W., R. D. No. 2, Ventura. x9o 5. Randoll, Miss Flora A., 7o6 Walnut St., Berkeley. 'x9o 7. Rathbun, S. F., 2 7 x4th Ave., N., Seattle, Wash. x9o 4. Ra.y, Milton S., 299 San Jose Ave., San Fran- cmco. x899. Redington, A. P., Box 66, Santa Barbara. x897. Reining, Chas., 6ox Webster St., Palo Alto. x9o6. Renwick, Win. G., Claremont. x9o2. Reynolds, Roth, 235 E. 4th St., Los Angeles. x899. Richardson, Chas., Jr., 435 S. E1 Molino Ave., Pasadena. x9o2. Richmond, Dr. Chas. W., Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D.C. 9o4. Rising, H. G., xx28 W. 46th St., Los Angeles. x 898. Ritter, Prof. W. E., Univ. of Cal., Berkeley. x9ox. Robertson, Howard, City Attorney's Office, City Hall, Los Angeles. x896. Rogers, Reginald, Cheshire School, Cheshire, Conn. x9o6. Rose, Geo. B., Niles. x9o 4. Russ, Miss Bertha, Ferndale, Humboldt Co. x9o6. Sampson, Alden, 2223 Atherton St., Berkeley. x9o5. Sampson, Walter B., 36 So. California St., Stockton. x894. Schneider, Fred A., Jr., Asbury and Laurel Sts., San Jose. x893. Schneider, J. J., Box 363, Anaheim. x899. Scott, Carroll, 3848 Third St., San Diego. 9o5. Sharp, Clarence S., Escondido. x9oe. Sharpe, Geo. H., Vacaville. x9oL Sheldon, H. H., Bank of California, California St., San Francisco. x9o3. Show, S. B., 353 Melville Ave., Palo Alto. x9o 3. Siefert, Clayton G., Auburn. x9oe. Silloway, P.M., Lewistown, Montana. x9o3. Simmons, Edw., R. F. D., Box x25, Pasadena. x894. Skinner, E. H., 228 Bryant St., Palo Alto. x9oo. Smith, Austin Paul, care of Hotel Banks, Ben- son, Arizona. x9o7. Smith, C. Piper, x6x Gallia Ave., Portsmouth, Ohio.' x9o5. Smith, Mrs. Ruby G., x5 East Ave., Ithaca, N. . 9o2. Snyder, Prof. John O., Stanford Univ. x9oo. Steinbeck, Win., xo29 N. Hunter St., Stockton. x897. Stejneger, Dr. L., U.S. Nat. Museum, Wash- ington, D.C. 9o4. Stephens, Frank, 3756 Park Blvd., San Diego. x894. Swales, Bradshaw H., Grosse Isle, Michigan. x9o6. Swarth, H. S., 356 Belden Ave., Chicago, Ill. J897. Swett,Miss Helen, 53x 23 d St., Oakland. 9ox. Tarbell, Miss Olga S., x65 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena. x9o6. Taylor, Harry R., Box 95, Alameda. x893. Taylor, Loren E., Fyffe, El Dorado Co. x897. Taylor, Walter P., x3o2 Summit Ave., Pasa- dena. x9o 5. Thayer, John E., Box 98, Lancaster, Mass. x9o6. Treadwell, E. D., Mayer, Arizona. x9oo. Treganza, A. O., 62 Hooper Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. i9o 7. Tyler, J. G., Box 6x, R. F. D. 8, Fresno. x9o 5. Van Fleet, Clark C., 2o2o Pacific Ave., San Francisco. x9o6. Ward, Harold C., 723 Paru St., Alameda. x894. Warren, E. V., Pacific Grove. x899. Waterman, Miss Edith S., 728 Paru St., Ala- meda. x9o6. Watson. Murray M., 3x2x Emmet St., Los Angeles. x9o2. Way, W. Scott, Glendora. x9o 4. Welch, John M. [No address at present.) x898. Weymouth, F. W.,326 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto.  906. Wheeler, Roswell S., x47 Grand St., Alameda. x894. Wicks, M. L., lr., x28 I. W. Hellman Blk., 2nd and Broadway, Los Angeles. x895. Widmann, Otto, 5xo5 Morgan St., St. Louis, Missouri. x9o4. Wiebalk, Miss Anna M., 3o7 Central Ave., Alameda. x9o 4. Willard, F. C., Tombstone, Arizona. x9o 5. Willard, John M., 42 Ave. 42 East, Los Angeles. x9ox. Willerr, G., 223 Court St., Los Angeles. 9o 5. Williamson, A., x8 W. California St., Pasadena. x9o5. Woodruff, Frank M., Chicago Academy of Sciences, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Ill. x9o6. Wright, Foster C., Room 4x5 Mason Bldg., Los Angeles. x9o 3. Wright, Howard, 83 N. Orange Grove Ave., Pasadena. x9o 7. Wueste, R., 3594 5th St., San Diego. s9oL Zahn, Otto J., 25 Estrella Ave., Los Angeles. x896. Zschokke, A. J., Sunnyvale. x897. DECEASED MEMBERS Barlow, Chester Brokaw, Louis A. Bryan, Miss Mollie Burchain, J. S. Bryant, Walter E. Cobleigh, W. S. Chainbliss, George S. Conant, George Cooper, Dr. James G. Hatch, J. M. Herrick, Miss Bertha Hawkins, Col. L. L. Nims, Lee Lapham, A. L. Slevin, Thomas E. Ready, George H,

Stert, A.

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