was the hour before the meeting was called spent about the grounds under the leadership of Mr. Morcom. Every tree and bush here has its own reason for being, and no two have the same reason, and Mr. Motcorn has all these reasons at his tongue's end. But these reasons appealed to us particularly because there was always a bird reason, and usually a bird pres- eut. Birds are princes here. Fed three times a day and never disturbed or frightened, they all know where the "dining room" is, and al- ways have an eye open in that direction. Mr. Morcom will be expected some day to tell the CONDOR readers some of the "table gossip" of this happy family. While we were near, a beautiful hooded oriole calmly took possession, much to the disgust of several houses finches. of a partly opened orange which lay on the ground. Leisurely he dipped his bill into the sweets, drank his fill, then sat quietly on the rim, while the finches scolded. Every bird in its season pays its respects at this spread. The meeting opened with reading of the minutes of the last meeting, March 28, x9o7, which were duly approved. Mr. Grinnell read another paper on system and simplicity in our nomenclature, with par- ticular reference to the new Check-List, calling attention to the complexity and limitless chang- ing that will be the result of a too rigid ad- herence to the law of priority in names. After all why not adopt a simple up-to-date system of names, basedon current usage? A very comprehensive paper on the life habits of the Woodhouse Jay in the vicinity of Denver, Colorado, was read by the Secretary in the absence of the author, Mr. Robert B. Rockwell. An exhaustive paper by Prof. Win. E. Ritter of Berkeley, Cal., on "Ornithology for a Student of Evolutionary Problems" was read by Mr. Grinnell. That the birds about Mr. Morcom's home fare well, no one doubts who was part of this meeting which now adjourned to the dining room. A bounteous supper was spread, about which the club lingered, eating, and talking bird lore till long after dark, breaking up only when the long distances home compelled the members to leave. Before going, however, an enthusiastic standing vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Motcorn. Adjourned. J. EUGENE L3-W, Secreta,y. Vg. Chamberlain J. !. law W.L. Chambers H. Robertson H.G. Rising V'. p. Taylor Alphonse Jay J. Grinnell L.H. Miller M .M. Watson H.T. Clifton C. E. Cosper G.E. Morcom Mms O. S. Tarbell Miss Parker Antonin Jay SOUTHERN DIVISION COOPER CLUB MEETING AT MR. MORCOM'S RESIDENCE, PASADENA, APRIL 28, I90
Photographed by .Irs. ttoward Robertson