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Thc First o! a Seric o! Colorcd Dlate o! thc

Thrushes oi North America By FUERTE$ and HOIKSFAIL. was published in B!IKD-LOIKE for February The Series will be Concluded This Year 20 Cents a Copy. $1.00 a Year. THE MACMILLAN CO., NEW Y O R R C I T Y The Oolo9ist A monthly publication dcvoted to Oology, Ornithology and Taxidermy. Published by Frauk H. Lattiu, Albion, N. . The oldest. cheapest and mot popdar "Bird" Publication in America. The best exchange and want columns. Question and answer Columns open to Collectors and Students in every branch of Natural History. An entire year with free a$c exchange notice coupon only 5oc. One year's subscription, a copy of our New Staudard Catalogue interleaved for notes and a copy ot our New Portfolio of Bird Photos all postpaid for $LOO. ample copy on applicatiou. Address, ]RITIST . SltORT Editor and Manager When replying to advertisementS American Halurlisl A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Natural Sciences in Their Widest Sense. Since its foundation in 1867 by four o! the pupils of Louis Agassiz, THE AMERICAN NATURAL- IST has been a representative American maga- zine of Natural History and has played an important part in the advancement of science In this country. The journal aims to present to itS readers the leading facts and discoveries in the fields of Anthropology. General Biology. Zoology, Botany. Paleontology, Geology and Mineralogy. and the various subdivisions of those subjects. Annual subscription, $4.oo uet in ad- vance. Si.gle copies, 35 ceBts. Foreign subscription, $4.60. fiNN & COMPANY, Publishers Boston New York Chicago London

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