COOPEI ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUR A Chance to Complete Your Sets lqow TIlE CONDOR Bulletin of the Club Vol. I--(1899 ) out of print ........ Nos. 5, 5 and 6 each .......... $x Vol. 11--{I9oo ) ................... 3 Vol. III--(19ol ) ................... 3 Odd Nos. of Vols. 5 and 3 each 5o Vol. IV--(x9o5 ) .............. 2 oo Vol. V--(lqO3) .................... I' 50 Vol. Vl--(lqO4) .................. I 5 Vol. VII--(19os) ................. x 5o Vol. VIII--(I9o6) ................. ! 5o Vol. IX(x9o7, current) ............. x 5o Odd Nos. Vol. V to date ........... 30 April , I9o7 Address No. Pncific ;0ast Avilnunn I--Birds of the Kotzebue Sound Region, Alaska, by Joseph Grinnell; 8o pp. and Map ..... 75 No. I1--Land Birds of Santa Cruz County California, by R. C. McGregor; 22 pp .............. 55 No. lII--Check List of California Birds, by Joseph Grinnell; wo pp. and 2 Maps ............... 75 No. IV--Birds of the Huachuca Mountains, Arizona, by Harry S. Swarth; 75 PP .............. 5o The above four Avifaunas, ordered together ...................... 5 oo ti. T. CLIFTON, Business Manager P.O. Box '404 PAS-DENA, CAL. HAND EGG BLOW-PIPE--For blowing all fresh and incubated egg. A very nseful instrument. Invaluable with ater blower. Indorsed by a great maay ooiogists and col- lectors thrnout the United States and Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sent postpaid with directions for $I.oo. -- DOCTOR M. T. CLICKLEY, 45 Greene Street, Augusta, Ga. SELLING OUT CHEAP FOR CASH!-- Choice Cabinet Sets, sets with nests, and singles, with full and accurate data, from the United States, Canada and Mexico. Stamp for list. Satisfaction guaranteed. DOCTOR 13,[. T. CLECLV:Y, 457 Greene Street, Mugttsla, LARGE COLLECTION of birds, eggs, nests, etc. Cost, $25 o. Sacrificed for $25. S. o, zo9 Allston IVay, lierkeley, tlt.'/. BOOKS for yonr photos, which will show them to better advantage than any books yet offered you. For detail write FRED I. DILLE, 307 Continenlal Bldg., Denver, Colo. ,VE WISH to learn of your desirable sets which yon will have for either exchange or sale this connng season. We will have a choice exchange list, also.--FRED M. DILLE, $o? Conlinental BIdA,., Z)enver, Colo. No'rxcvz--Ihave just gotten out a 64-page pamphlet on the "Reptiles of Los Angeles County," published by Throop Institute. will see that a copy is mailed free to anyone sending me his address before the excess supply is exhausted.--J. GRIIELL, 576 A: 2Vareno .give., Pasadena, Glif. WANTED--Nos. x, 3, and 4 of Vol. I of THI CONDOR. Will pay $Loo per each number.-- E. W. FISHER, 150Z ne St., Philadelphia, enn.
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