As matter of fact this principle of capitaliza- tion in bird names has to be applied still further, in the interests of accnracy. When I read of "warblers in the woods" how shall I know that the author does not refer to Thrushes, Catbirds, Vireos, and all birds which warble? But if he says "Warblers" he can of course mean only Wlniotilti&v. By all means, Mr. Editor, if we would be in- telligible, logical, and consistent, let us use capitals always in presenting specific names of birds, and elsewhere in referring to the higher groups, wherever uncertainty is likely to exist in the mind of the dullest reader. Respectfully yours, W. LEON DWSON Seattle, .4pril sz, 9o7. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS NORTHERN DIviSION MRCH.--The regular meeting of the North- ern Division was held in East Hall, University of California, Berkeley, on March 9, x97. A very interesting and instructive paper was read by Prof. Win. E. Ritter on "Ornithology for a Student of Evolutionary Problems," in which was set forth the importance in Biology of close observation and careful recording, and the part that Ornithology has played in the general scheme in the past, and the part that it will play in the future. He emphasized the need of more careful and searching studies in Ornithology, which should deal with the whole life cycle of the bird from the egg to the adult, and pointed out the possibilities in Ornithology as an advanced study, for still further advance- ment. An infornml discussion followed the paper after which the business session washeld, with Pres. D'Evelyn in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The following propositions for membership were made: Dr. and Mrs. Burnham, 335 War- ring street, Berkeley, both by Prof. W. E. Ritter; John F. Ferry, Chicago, Ill., by H. S. Swarth; A. O. Treganza, Salt Lake City, Utah, by C. S. Sharp; %V. L. McAtee, Biol. Surv., Dept. Agr., Wash., by H. T. Clifton. It was announced that the application of Henry K. Coale of Highland Park, Chicago, Ill., was read before the Southern Division sev- eral months ago and sent to this Division for action, but was unfortunately lost in the mails. Since the matter has been mentioned in the Club before, his name was considered to have been proposed in this Division and he was duly elected to membership. Mr. Louis P. Bolander was also elected to full membership. A communication from J. Eugene Law ak- ing that the Northern Division consider the proposition made by the Southern Division at their last meeting to increase the subscription of THE CONDOR to non-members fromone dollar toone dollar and a half, was read. Consider- able discussion was raised concerning the prop- osition but it was finally decided that, consid- ering the standard of THE CONDOR and its efficiency, such a raise in subscription price was very reasonable, and was therefore adopted. At the previous meeting the names of eleven members were recommended for suspension for non-payment of dues. Of these eight had failed to pay up before this meeting was called tho fully notified and were therefore formally sus- pended. The following resignations were ac- cepted: R. F. Rooney, Juliette C. Harding, Louis Wessel, Nathan M. Moran. Meeting adjourned. H. O. JENKINS, Secretary.
FEBRUR.--The regular monthly meet- ing of the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club was called to order Feb. 28, I9O7 , by President Morcom in the office of H. J. Lelande in the City Hall, Los Angeles, Cal., with members Grinnell, Willett, Lelande, Clifton, Antonin and Alphonso Jay, Linton, Chamberlain, Watson, Cosper, and Law pres- ent. The minutes of the last meeting, Jan. 3I, I9O7, were read and approved. ' Applications for active membership were proposed as follows: Mr. W.L. McAtee, Bio- logical Survey, Washington, D.C., by H. T. Clifton. On motion by Mr. Lelande, seconded by Mr. Cosper, and duly carried, Mr. A. O. Treganza, Salt Lake, Utah, Mr. Jesse C. A. Meeker, Danbury, Conn., and Mr. Howard Wright, Pasadena, Cal., were elected to active membership in the Club, the two former sub- ject to the approval of the Northern Division. The resignation of Mr. J. B. Fuedge was ac- cepted. Also the resignation of Mr. J. G. Brown was accepted as of date Jan. x, I9o5, the previous action of the Club in dropping Mr. Brown for non-payment of dues, at meeting Jan. I2, I9O5, being rescinded, as Mr. Brown has now paid his dues in full to that date. The resignation of Mrs. J. M. Willard was also ac- cepted. Mr. Linton exhibited a few skins taken re- cently including a Pacific fulmar, taken in San Diego Bay, and Townsend fox sparrow and varied thrush taken on San Clemente Island. The balance of the evening was spent in or- nithological chat, very interesting to those participating, but hard to record. Adjourned.
J. EuN LAw, geerotary.