I have since skinned and have in my collection another. In this one I found a monkey, not yet digested. The paws were torn off and swallowed whole. Then the next joint, and so on. It was eaten hair and all. The bird had then perched on a tree, to be shot by one of the Companies on a hike. From the specimen in the picture, I took the folloafng measurements in milli- meters: Length, 1076.8; wing, 584; tail, 431.8; tarsus, 127; middle claw, 114.3; nfiddle tail feather, width, 82.55. Measurements of the second specimen is in inches: Length, 40; spread of wings, 76; a4ng, 24. This bird was very poor and weighed only 8 pounds, whereas the weight given of a specimen described by Whitehead was between 16 and 20 pounds. TH vnxLxvvxxS I occasionally see one fly from one hill to the other and may secure more. also have a small long-winged eagle with stretch of wings two inches more than this short-x4nged species. We are stationed on Mindanao by the shore of Lake Lanao, 2700 feet altitude, one of the most prolific places in the world. My wife has gotten tearly 1000 species of plants, about one-eighth of them new. I have been impreded with the large number of flycatchers. The last [ took was a pair of brilliant gold color. We have so nmeh rain that it makes collecting difficult.
Manila, P. L