Ornithology for a Student of Evolutionary Problems ............... Vetre. E. Ritler 65 The Bird Islands of South Africa (with four photos) ................ Ver. L. Sclaler ?l Birds Collected by W. W. Brown, Jr., on Cerr0s, San Benito and Natividad Islands in the Spring of x996, with Notes on the Biota of the Islands .............................. fohn E. T]tayer and Outram Bangs 77 The Woodhouse Jay in Western Colorado (with one photo) .... Robert B. Rockwell 8I The Breeding Birds of Escondido ..................................... C. S. Sharp 8 Gulls as Scavengers (with one photo) ......................... lValler I(. Fisher 9x Notes From the Philippines (with one photo) ...................... Joeeph Clemens 9a EDITORIALS ................................................................. 94 COMMUNICATIONS--In Regard to the Mooted Points ......... IV. Leon Dawson 95 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ................................... 96 Fntered as second-class matter May 4, 19o6, at the post office at Pasadena, California. under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued from The Office of The Condor, 87x No. Lake Ave., Pasadena, Cal. On Fallen Leaf Lalie, in the Lalie Tahoe Forest Reerve, California OPEN JUNI The camp is situated on a beautiful glacier lake in the midst of a region nu- rivaled for its picturesque grandeur. Trout Fishing Unexcelled The camp is open to adults as well as boys. The Boy's Croup is under the direction of Walter l. Fisher. For booklet and information address W. W. PB. ICE, ALTA. PLACER CO.. CAL. Thc Warblcrs 0i North fimcrica By lRANK M. CHAPMAN tA'ith 24 .full page colored plates, illustrating male. female andyotmg of all slx'cies, aud eight full page plates of nests and eggs. I4arge 8vo Cloth, $a.9o The Bird, Its Form and Function, by C. William Beebe, with over 37o illustrations $1 35 Peary's Nearest the Pole ............ The Warbler 9o5 and ,906, Vols.'complete 4 o The Warbler Book and Warbler, Vols. 195 '6 ................................. '-- - 4 3 Country Life in America, full year, and the l,Varbler Book ........................ 5 75 The Warbler Book and Bird Lore, full year. 3 6o The Warbler Book and a New subscription to tile Condor ........................ 3 65 ALL SNT PRIPAID Prompt quotatious on any Book. Magazine, Oologists and Taxidermists Tools. ggs in fine sets, lists for the asking. IENJAMIN HOAG Stephento.n, New Yorl
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