a growth of cedar and pine, some of which attain a height of 60 to 70 feet; the southern end of the island is hoxvever very barren. "The domestic goat in a wild state occurs on the island and deer and rabbits are not uncommon. A Neotoma and a Peromyscus were the only small mammals we found. The shores of the island are resorted to by seals and sea-otters, tho we were unable to secure any, and the sea elephant was found there in the past." (Mr. Brown collected specimens of the following mammals, all species peculiar to Cerros Island: Odoco/leus cerrosensis Merriam, g3,lz, z'lagus cerrosenss Allen, 5eotoma bryanli Merriam, and Peromyscus cedrosens/s Allen.) "Birds on Cerros Island are not only extremely scarce, but are very shy. On the other islands we visited birds were tame and unsuspicious, and we xvere unable to account for their exceeding shyness on Cerros. "We took specimens of three species of snakes and of five species of lizards and noted no others during our stay." (These have not yet been identified.) Phalacrocorax clilophus albociliatus Ridg. One fully adult male in breeding plumage with the white plmnes well developed, April 9. Phalacrocorax penicillatus (Brandt). One adult female, April 20. Pelecanus californicus Ridg. One female, April 9. Panclion haliaetus carolinensis (Gmel.). Two adult males, March 30 and April 5. .4tenaria melanocephala (Vig.). Five adults of both sexes, three males and two females, March 26 to April 20. Itmmatopus frazari Brewster. Three adults of both sexes, two males and one female, April 13 and April 18. These skins vary considerably in the amount of black on the under parts, all but one showing some black spotting on the chest and under tail-coverts. One male, taken April 13, however, has the under parts much as in H. pallialus, with immaculate under tail-coverts, no black on the chest, and the black of the lower neck ending in an even line. It differs from fY. pa[lt'alus mainly in its darker back and in being less purely white on sides of rump and upper tail-coverts. Actiris macularia (Linn.). One adult female, April 4. Iteteractitis incanus (Gruel.). Ten specimens both sexes: five in the adult, spotted plumage, and five in immature gray plumage, April 2 to April 24. Sterna maxima Bodd. Six specimens, adults and immature of both sexes, April 13 to April 20. Larus heermanni Cassin. Two adult males, with pure white heads, April 20. Larus occidentalis Aud. Five specimens, four adult females and one young male, April 1 to April 20. Zenaiclura carolinensis carolinensis (Linn.). Two adult males, April 15 and April 20. These do not differ in any way from rather pale individuals taken else- where at about the same season. Trochilus costa (Bourc.). Six specimens, both sexes; none of the males in quite full plumage; March 28 to April 8. Trochilus anna (Less.). Two adult males, April 2 and April 3. Selasphorus rufus (Gruel.). One female, March 30. Sayornis saya (Bonap.). Two specimens, male and female. These birds are rather pale, apparently faded, but otherwise do not differ from continental speci- mens; they were taken on April 7 and April 17.
0tocoris alpestris enertera Oberholser. Eight adults, both sexes, March 26 to