WANTED--Ridgway's "Nomenclature of
Colors;" J. J. Audubon, odd vols of the octavo edition, 184o-44 or later re-issues. I will give cash, or offer good exchange in rare Western sets.--W. LEE CHAMBERS, Santa Monica, California. WANTED--Birds' eggs for cash, either in large or small lots. Sets and sets with nests and large rare singles especially desired; but they must be strictly first-class and with data. Send list with lowest prices.--DocToR M. T. {2LECKLEY, 457 Greene St., Augusta, Ga. ]XCHANGE--I have '06 skins Nos. lO-4, 3-I67, 1-143, I-I53, 1-66, 8-2io, 2-243a , 2-249, 1-366, 1-367, 1-4o7a, 4-413, 4-544, 6-588% to ex- change for pairs of each of the following, on basis ofC. K. Reed's price list: 1-i3o , 387 a, 418b, 514a, 58, 54o% 546a, 562, 565, 567, 567c, 574. 58o, 583, 585b. 61Ia, 614, 619, 627a, 629 a, 632,633a, 646b, 655, 665, 668, 669, 68o. 7oi, 717 b, 722a, 727 a, 728, 730, 748a, 754, 763 a, 768, 738, 733.--C- B. LINTON, 17th and Pine Ave., Long Beach, California. THE NEW MAMMAL BOOK alifornia lalnmals By FRANK STIPHINS Large octavo; 35o pages; illustrated; cloth bound. Describes all the known species and subspecies of Californiu mammals, gives their general range and more or less notes on their habits. PRIC] $3.5o, POSTPAID Published and for sale by the west Coast Publishing Co., 2299 Robinson Ave., San Diego, 6alifornla Oological $hale-Upl I I am offering many exceptionally fine, picked sets from J. M. Carroll and H. R. Taylor 0ological collections Financial depression after the big 'quake, with a six month's illness, decides me to offer these very choice sets, far above average in markings, at right prices, such as (prices per egg or nest): Sage Grouse2-6, .6o; Varied Thrush nest-3, I-3, 1.4o; Sooty Grouse 1-9, -45; Pacific Fulmar I-I, 1.4o; Rock Wren nest-6, 26, nest-5, 1-7, .4o; Mexican Cormorant 3-4, 2-5, -35; Rufous-crested Duck I- 5, .9o; Scarlet Ibis I-2, .9o; Red-backed Sandpiper i- 3 $2.; Pine Siskin 3-nest-4, n-3, .9o; Am. Merganser i-8, .80; Ancient Murrelet ro-2, .9 o, and io-I at -7o; Red-billed Tropic Bird 5-I, 1.25; 302 I-IO, -25; 335 2-4, 2-5, 2-75; 356 1-3, I~2, 3-4, 2.5o; 35I 1-2, 2.25; 2Io I-9, .25; 5o3 nest-5, .90; 328 I-5, 2.5o; also Calif. Condor, 325, 326, 348, 332, 419, 68o, 7o9, 728, 738, 349, 722a, 7o2, 754, 763, 632, 645a, 646a, 724, 486, 459, 416, 364, 365, 375c, 359, 343, 3Io 339 b, aud 50o others, with many choice nests. Prepaid at price on orders over $3; and for over $25, ten per cent discount. Write, with stamp, for fuller price list. Address, H. lk. TAYLOlk Box 9_ ALAbtEDA, CAL.
When replying to advertisements please mention TH] CONDOR