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VOL. IX at all compulsory, and the day is not to be constituted a legal holiday, therefore be it Resolved, that the Cooper Ornithological Club heartily approves of and endorses this movement as one of great educational importance which will tend to se- cure better protection for our native birds, and be it further Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be placed on the Minutes of this Club, and published in the Janu- ary, 9o7, issue ol THE CONDOR. H. O. JENKINS, Secretary. SOUTHERN DIVISION NovEafBER.--Residence of Joseph Grinnell. Pasadena; November 30, I906. Meeting was called to order by President Howard, with members Grinnell, Moreore, Clifton, Willerr, Owen, Joseph Dixon, Watson, Taylor and Law present, and as visitors Messrs. James Dixon, and Howard Wright. The minutes of the last meeting, Oct. 3, I9O6, were read and approved, On motion duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the members present, electing Clarence B. Linton to active membership; this formality was com- plied with by the Secretary. The applications for active membership of Reginald Rogers, of Santa Barbara, and C. M. Harris, Willard Chamberlain, and Arthur Howard, of Los Angeles, all proposed by O. W. Howard, were read and filed for final action at the next meeting. Mr. Grinnell urged on all those present, the importance of sending in all notes on Los Angeles County birds, as the compilation of the new list will soon be under way.' A great deal of data has been gathered since the previ ous list, and all of this should be placed at Mr. Grinnell's disposal as soon as possible. Mr. Grinnell also expressed his desire for notes on comparative bird populations, to the end that valuable information relating to increase or de- crease of certain species might be recorded. A very interesting paper by Wright M. Pierce on the dotted canyon wren was read by the Secretary in the absence of the author. Mr. Pierce described vividly his observations of a brood that was raised in a deserted miner's cabin in a canyon near the foot of Old Baldy. After an inspection of several interesting series of skins from Mr. Grinnell's private col- lection, dainty refreshments, served by Mrs. Joseph Grinnell and Miss Grinnell, wound up a very enioyable evening. Adiourned. J. EUGENE LAW, Secretary. DECEafnER.--The regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornith- ological Club was called to order by President Howard Saturday evening, Dec. 29, I9O6 , at the residence of H. J. Lelande, I32O E. I5th Street, Los Angeles, with members Lelande, J. Grinnell, Clifton, Cooper, Alphonse Jay, and Law present, and as visitors Messrs. Fordyce Grinnell and Willard Chamberlain. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Applications for active mem- bership were proposed as follows: Aristin Paul Smith, La [olla, Cal., by H. V. Marsden; Jesse C. A. Meeker, Danbury, Conn., by O. W. Howard; John F. Ferry, Field-Columbian Musenm, Chicago, by H. S. Swarth. On motion by Mr. Clifton, seconded by Mr. Lelande and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the members present, electing to active member- ship, the following named persons already presented: Henry K. Coale, Chicago, Ill; C. M. Harris, Los Angeles, Cal.; Willard Chain~ betlain, Los Angeles, Cal.; Arthur Howard, Los Angeles, Cal.; Reginald Rogers, Cheshire, Conn. A communication from Dr. Frederick W. D'Evelyn, the nominee for President of the Northern Division, was read and heartily en- dorsed by those present. An interesting letter from our former and long-time President, Mr. F. S. Daggett, u. ow of Chicago, was read, describing an outing with a few of the old standbys early in November. Messrs. Dean, Gault, Woodruff, Swarth, and Daggett composed the party. A half dozen good winter visitors were observed, including white-wing and American crossbills, and snow- flakes. Our eastern brethren certainly are en- titled to our heartfelt sympathy when they take a winter trip. It wonld be rnbbing it in too much to mention the names of the dozens of good birds an observer, perfectly comfort- able in a khaki shirt outfit and sombrero, can see in a day's winter stroll in this locality. Ask Mr. Daggett if it's not so! The club then proceeded to nominations of officers for I9O7. The following nominations were made and nominations closed in each case on proper motion: For President, Mr. G. Fresh Moreore, Pasadena; for Vice President, Mr. G. Willerr, Los Angeles; for Secretary, Mr. J. Eugene Law, Hollywood; for Treasnrer. Mr. W. Lee Chambers, Santa Monica. To- wards the close of the evening Mrs. Lelande served elaborate refreshments. Adjourned. J. EUGENE Lw. Secretary, NoTE.The lateness of this issue of THE CONDOR is regretted by all concerned; but it is one of those things that can't be helped, and is liable to occur sometime to everyone. The reason in the present instance is the serious illness of our printer and simultaneously of

several of his office force.--Eo.

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