Photographing Magpies (with 7 photos) ................. Edward dP. IVarren 5 Magpies on the La Plata ................................ 21//. French Gilman 9 Among the Gulls on Klamath Lake (with 3 photos by Herman T. Bohlman) ..................................................... Ftilliam L. Finley Experiences With the Dotted Canyon Wren ................ 14right M. Pierce I5 Nesting of the Pine Siskin in California (with 2 photos) ....................... .................................. H. lC. Cartiger and J. R. Pemberton I8 A Season With the Pacific Horned Owl ........................ Nelson Carpenter Birds Observed From Marysville to Grass Valley .............. Louis Bolander 22 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Feeding Habits of the Lewis Woodpecker .............. H. Ft. l'arsden 27 Notes From Placer County, California .................. Ernest eldams 27 Band-tailed Pigeons at Santa Barbara .................. Reginald Rogers 28 A Notable Sparrow's Nest .............................. H. R. Taylor 28 The Alaska Water-thrush in Californifi .................. Joseph Grinnell 28 Another New Record for Marin County, California .... .Joseph/3faillard 28 The English Sparrow in Los Angeles County ........... J. Eugene Law 98 EDITORIAL ............................................................... PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED .............................................. 3 MINUTES OF THE COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ............................ 3 Entered as second-class matter May 4, x9o6, at the post office at Pasadena. California, under Act o! Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued Irom The Office of The Condor, 871 No. Lake Ave., Pasadena, Cal. All rlembership Dues FOR 1907, $2.00 ANI} SUBSCRIPTIONS TO VOLUME IX, $1.00 Are now due and should be remitted at once to H. T. CLIFTON C. O. C. Business Manager P.O. Box 404 Pasadena, Cal. Do not delay and avoid missing any numbers MAMMALS--Over 75 species of So. Calif. mammals for sale, individually or in series: first-class scientific skins with full data and skulls; several rare, such as long-cared fox, adorned shrew, mastiff bat, Mt. Pinos chip- munk, etc. Five species of So. Cal. chipmunks $3.00; three of gophers $I.5O; seven of white- footed mice; 13.00; three of Kangaroo rats 12.00; three of woodrats a.2 5. Postpaid. JOSEPH GRI NNILL, 576 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, Calif. RHEA EGGS-- Perfect eggs of RgA AERICANA for 75e each; safe arrival guar- anteed.--SAMUEL AD-MS, [501 Warren St., Topeka Kansas. HAND IGG BLOW-PIPE--For blowing all fresh and incubated eggs. A very useful instrument. Invaluable with water blower. Indorsed by a great many oologists and col- lectors thruout the United States and Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sent postpaid with directions for $x.oo. -- DOCTOR M. T. CLKCKI, E, 457 Greene Street, Augusta, Ga.
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