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BI!D-LOPE For Christmas

Tell us to whom you wish us to send BIRD-LORE for you during z9o7, and we will forward a Christmas Card giving your name as donor, a beautiful, life-sized Colored drawing of the Evening Grosbeak, by Horsfall, and a free copy of the zoo-page Christmas number of BII.D-LOIKF-.. containing twelve col- ored figures of birds. All these will go in time to be received, with your greetings, on Christmas Day, and BlinD-LOIrE will follow, as pub- lished, throughout the year. A Valuable Present, easily made; whether to a frleud or yourself. $1.00 a year; for Christmas, five subscription for $4.00; three subscriptions for $2.50. BIRD-LORE Harrisburg - - Pennsylvania HELPS PHOTO- A HOHTHLY HAGAZIItE I;RRPHY HCTORIAL PItOTOGI HIMNg.RPOLIS. HIHIIE0TA If you are interested in Photographic Work, w would he glad to demonstrate to you the value of this Magazine by sending you the numbers for three months on our special trial offer. Send tea cents (coin or srampsi for current number aud pariiculars. CAHERA NOTES  14 Lurnbr Exchange Bfinueo. polia - tun. When replying to advertisements American fialuralist A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Natural Sciences in Their Widest Sense. Since its fohndation in t867 by four o! the pupils o! Louis Agassiz, TH AMIRICAN IATURAL- IST has been a representative American maga- zine of Natural Ilistory and has played an important part in the advancement of scienc in this country. The journal aims to present to its readers the leadlug facts and discoveries in the fidds of Anthropology, General Biolo. _g. Zoology, Botany, Paleontology, Geology and Mineralogy, and the various subdivisions o! those subjects. Annual subscription, $4.oo net in ad- vance. Single copies, 35 cents. Foreign subscription, $4.6o. GINN a COIIIPANY, Publishers Boston New York Chicago London dease mention 'I'H CONDOR

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