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AGE-COCK, Salpinctes obsoletus, 24 Sandpiper, Aleutian,Ix9 Least, x9, H9 Pribilof, It 9 Spotted, I9, 27 Sapsucker, Red-naped, 28 Saxicola cenanthe, i6 Sayornis nigricans, 43, 97, 127 phcebe, 9 saya, 2I 28 Sops asio bendirei, 96 kennicotti, x43 Seiurus aurocapillus, 9 Selasphorns alleni, 43, 26 rufus, 27, 43, 96 Setophaga ruticilla, 24, 28 Sharp, C. S., unusual breeding records at Es- condido, 75; nesting of the red-bellied hawk, I44 Shearwater, Dark-bodied, 29, 75 Slender-billed, x6 Sooty, 29 Shovellet, x9 Shrike, California, 44, x3o White-rumped, 23 Sialia arctica, 28 mexicana bairdi, 28 occidentalis, 44, 98, x3 o Silloway, P.M., among the Flathead birds, o 9 Simorhynchus pygmteus, H5 Siphia erithacu% 29 Siskin, 6 Pine, 28, t28 Sitta canadensis, 27 carolinensis aculeata, 129 nelsoni, 27 pygmtea, 26 Snipe, Wilson, 27 Painted, 99 Snowflake, Pribilof, 2o Solitaire, Townsend, 24, 27 Somateria v-nigra, 57, t9 Sparrow, Aleutian Song, Bell, 75, 52 Brewer, :23 Cassin, 23 Clay-colored, 22 Desert, 23, III English, 22, 67 European House, 43 Golden-crowned, 3o Intermediate, 22, 27, 97 Lincoln, 97 Merrill Song, 26 Nuttall, 43, 73, x28 Rufous-crowned, Salt Marsh Song, 44 San Diego Song, 97 Sandwich, Santa Cruz Song, 44, 28 Song, :23 Western Chipplng, 22, 28, Western Lark, 22, 28, 97, x28 Western Savanna, 28, 97 Western Vesper, 22, :28 Spatula clypeata, t9 Speotyto cunicularia hypogea, 20, 28, 96 Spinus pinus, 28, x28 Spizella breweri, 23 pallida, 22 socialis arizome, 22, 28, 128 Spodiopsar sericeus, i6 Sphyrapicus varius nuchalis, 28 Spoonbill, 75 Starling, Japanese, x6 Steganopus tricolor, 27 Stelgidopteryx serripennis, 28, 98 Stellula calliope, 27 Stephens, Frank, about collecting chests, Stephens, Kate, Scott oriole at Sn Diego, t3o; some items in the diet of California shrikes, 13o Stercorarius pomarinus, t t6 Sterna bergii, x2 Stone, Witmet, (with Rhoads, S. N.) notice of their "on a collection of birds md nammals from the Colorado delta, L'ower California," 78; the percentage of error in bird migration rec6rds, 88 Strix pratincola, 83, 96 Sturnella magna negleeta, 22, 28, I27 neglecta, 43, 97 Surnia ulula caparoch, 26 Swallow, Alaska Barn, 122 Barn, 23, 28, 44, 97 Cliff, 23, 28, 44, 95, 97, 129 Northern Violet-green, 28 Rough-legged, 6 Rough-winged, 28, 95, 98 Tree, 28, 97 Violet-green, 95, 98, 129 White-bellied Tree, 95 Swan, Whistling, 75 Swift, white-throated, 96 , Syruphernia semipalmata inornata, t9 Synthliborhamphus antiquus,  5 Syrnium occidentale, 57 ABON, t4 Tachycineta thalassina lepida, 28, 98, 129 Tanager, Louisiana, 27 Western, x28 Tattler, Wandering, 9 Teal, Blue-winged, x9, 75 Cinnamon, 27 Green-winged, 27, 75, xt9 Telmatodytes palustris plesius, 28 Tern, American Black, 27 Thrasher, California, I29 pasadena, 48, 95, 98 Sage, 24

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