Jungle Fowl, Indian, x 4 AEDING, Geo. L., new bird for Amador County, 57 Kildeer, x9, 27, ie5 Kingbird, eI, e8 Arkansas, 21, e8, I27 Western, 96 Kingfisher, Belted, e8, 43, Swamp, 13 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned, e7 Kite, Black, 99 White-tailed, 42 Kittiwake, Pacific, 57, AGOPUS rupestris neleoni, H 9 Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides, 23 gambeli, 44, Lark, California Horned, 43, 97 Desert Horned, I Dusky Horned, 8 Pallid Horned, 26 Rufous, x3 Laxus, canus, 75 glaucescens, I I6 philadelphia, I i6 ridibundus, 2, 98 vegte, 98 Leucosticte tephrocotis griseonucha, littoralis, 7 Leucosticte, Aleutian, 2o Linnet, 97 Longspur, Alaska, Ii McCown, 2 Loon, 27 Lophodytes cucullatus, 27 Lophortyx californicus, 42, vallicola, 96, 126 Loxia curvirostra minor, 27 Lunda cirrhata, AGPIE, Black-billed, 6 Yellow-biLled, 127 Mailliatd, Joseph, Buteo albicaudatus sennetti seen in San Francisco, Cal., 29; summer notes from a Santa Barbara garden, 45 Mallard, 7, 75 Mareca americana, 27 Martin, Purple, 23 Western, 95, 97, i28 McGregor, Richard C., papers on Philippine birds I.--a collecting trip to Calayan and Fuga, x; Siphia erithacus Sharpe preoccu- pied, 9; methods of filing reprints, 55;papers on Philippine birds II, the routine of a col- lector's work, 7o; notes on birds observed while traveling from Yokohama to Manila, 98; birds observed in the Krenitzin Islands, Alaska, xx4 Meadowlark, Western, 2, 28, 43, 97, Megalurus palustris, x3 Megapodius cumingi, x4 Megascops asio bendirei, 43 kennicotti, 9 saturatus, 9 subsp.?, 6 Melanerpes erythrocephalus, x formicivorus bairdi, 96, xo7, Meleagris sp., o Melospiza cinerea cinerea, :3, lI cooperi, 97 merrilli, 6 santtecrucis, 44, x28 lincolni, 97 pusillula, 44 Merganser, Hooded, e7 Red-breasted, I 17 Merganser serratot, Ii 7 Merops sp., I3 Merula migratoria propinqua, 24, e8 Meyer, Dr. A. B., portrait of, I7 Milvus ater melanotis, 99 Mimus polyglottos, 24 leucopterus, 47, 5I, 56 . 98 , I29 Minutes of Club Meetings, 3 I, 60, 79, 3 Mockingbird, 24, 47, 5I Western, 56, 98, 29 Molothrus ater, 22, e8 Mound-bui.der, 4 Mud-hen, I9 Munia jagori, 13 Murre, California, II6 Pallas, I5 Murrelet, ix5 Myadestes townsendi, 24, e7 Myiarchus cinerascens, 2I, 97, I27 N ETTItON carolinensis, 27, il 9 Nighthawk, Texas, 95, 96 Western, el, 28 Ninox, 3 Notes and News, 30, 59, 77, xoI, x3l, x53 Nucifraga columbiana, e8 Numenius longirostris, x 9, 7 Nutcracker, Clark, e8 Nuthatch, Pygmy, e6 Red-breasted, 27 Rocky Mountain, e7 Slender-billed, xe 9 Nycticorax mevius, 38 O CEANODROMA beali, 54 beldingi, 54 fureata, xI7 kaedingi, 54 leucorhoa, 53, 117 macrodactyla, 53 Olbiorchilus alascensis, x22 hiemalis pacificus, 26, 9 Old-squaw, xx 9 Olor columbianus, 75 Oreortyx pictus pictus, Oreospiza chlorura, 3, 57