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Nov., x9o6 ] INDEX TO VOLUME VIII 6t

Fulica americana, t9, 27, 42 Fulnlar, Pacific, 75, H7 Fulmarus glacialis glupischa, 75,  I7 ALEOSCOPTES carolineusis, 24, 28 (; dlaher, William, a novel find, 57 Gallinago delicata, 27 'solitaria japonica, 99 Gal iuula galeata, 27 Galliuule, Florida, 57 Gallus bankira, 4 gallus, x4 Garrulug japolliCUS, 99 Gayla imber, 57 (;eocichla varia, 99 Geococcyx cahfornianns, 50, 43, 57, 96, i56 Geothlypis toluliei, 24, 28 trichas occidentalis, 28 scirpicola, 98 Glaucidium gnoma, 57 Golden eye, American, 27 Goldfinch, Green-backed, 43. 45, 46, 5 o, 97, Pale, 26 Willow, 43, 97 Goose, Canada, 57 Grackle, Bronzed, 52 Grebe, Holb(11, 27 Grinnell, Joseph, the wood duck in southern California, 29; Pacific Kittiwake in southern California, 57; foolish introduction of foreign birds, 58; the Empidonax trom Santa Cata- lina Island, 74; the Oberholser vireo, 48 Grosbeak, Black-headed, 28, 44, 97, Western Blue, 97 Grouse, Canadian Ruffed, 26 Columbian sharp-tailed, 26 Sage, 75 Grus mexicana, 27 Guillemot, Pigeon, 5 Guiraca caerulea lazul, 97 Gull, Bonaparte, 6 Glaucous-winged,  I6 Mew, 75 Sabine, 6 Gymnogyps califoruiauus, 26, 35 EMATOPUS bachmani, I 9 Halcyon chloris, x3 Hallaster intennedius, I2 Haliteetus leucocephalus alascanus, i2o leucogaster, x2 llarelda hyemalis, x I9 Harterr, Dr. Ernst, portrait of, I7 liarvie-Brown, Mr. John A., portrait of, x7 Hawk, American Sparrow, 43, 96 Cooper, 96 Duck, 96 Fish, 27 Marsh, 2o Red-bellied, 92, 94, 95, 96, Sharp-shinned, 2o Sparrow, 2o, 27, 9I, 94, 95 Swainson, 27, 52 Western Red-tailed, 26, 42 , 93, 96 , Itead, Anna, the note of the golden-crowned sparrow, I3o; observations ou the notes and ways of two western vireos, 49 lIeleodytes bruuneicapillus couesi, 98 ttelminthophila celata, 23 lutescens, 98 rubricapilla gutturalis, 7, 68 virginitc, 53 Hen, Prairie, 20 Sage, I52 Heron, Black-crowned Night, 38 Great Blue 27, 35 Snowy, 9 Heteractitis incanus, IX9 Itiruudo erythrogaster, 23, 28, 44, 97 paltoefl, i52 Histrionicus histrionicus, I I9 Horned-lark, California, I27 Itoward, O. W., the English sparrow iu the southwest, 67 Hnumfingbird, Allen, 43, Anna, 43, 126 Black-chinued, 28, 96 Calliope, 27 Costa, 57 Rufous, 27, 43, 96 Hydrocbelidon nigra surinamensis, 27 Hylocichla fusce-cens salicicola, 28 guttata, 4 mustelina, 9 ustulata, 44, x3o swaiusoui 54 tlypsipetes amaurotis, 99 fugensis, x2, I4 CTERUS bullocki, 22, 58, 43, 97 parisorum, 3 o Iridoprocne bicolor, 28, 97, Ixoreus mevius, 2 7 AEGER, Pomafine, I 6 Jay, Black-headed, 26 Blne-fronted, i27 California, 43, 49, 97, Pinyon, 22 Jenkins, Hubert O., a list of birds collected be- tween Mouterey and San Simeon in the coast rauge of California, Job, Herbert Knightly, notice of his "wild wings," 77 Johnson, Roswell H., the birds of Cheney, Washington, 25 Junco hyemalis, 23 connectells, 27 thurberi, 97 pinosus, x28 Junco, Intermediate, 27 Point Pinos, x28 Sierra, 97 Slate-colored, 23

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