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Nov., 9o6 I

INDEX TO ABBOTT, Gerard Alan, up the Yellowstone on a pinto, Acanthis linaria, 27, Accipiter cooperi, 96 gularis, 15 velox, 20 Actitismacularia, 9, 27 Actodromas minutilla, i I9 zEgiahtis sero ipalmata, 9 vocifera, 125 Aeronantes melanoleueus, 96, I26 Agelaius phceniceus, 22 neutralis, 26, 97 Aimophila ruficeps, 57, 128 Aix galericulata, 99 sponsa, 29, 75 Ampelis garrulus, 27 japonicus, 99 Amphispiza belli, 75 bilineata deserticola, 23, Anas boscias, 27 Anhinga melanoga,er, 3 Artthus pemilvanicus, 27, rufu!us, 3 Aphelocoma californica, 43, 49, 97, Aquila chrysaetos, 5, 96 Ardea candidissima, 9 herodias, 27, 38 Arenaria interpres, 119 Arquatella couesi,  I9 ptilocnemis, 9 Asio accipitrinus, 29, 12o magellanicus pacificus, 96 wilsonJanus, 20, 43 Astragalinus psaltria hesperophilus, 43, 46, 97, 128 tristjs pallidus, 26 salicamans, 43, 97 Asyndesmus ]ewisi, 28 Anklet, Rhinoceros, 75 Whiskered,  5 A-ythya americana, 27 g zEOLOPHU$ inornatus, 44, 98, Bailey, Florence Merriam, a nest ot Empido- nax difficilis in New Mexico, Io8; nesting sites of the desert sparrow, I  Baldpate, 27 Bird, Bee, $ Snake, I$ Bishop, Louis B., notes on some California birds, 29; results of a gale at Pacific Beach, 75 Bittern, American, 27 Blackbird, Brewer, 22, 28, 43, 97, 7 Red-winged, 22 Yellow-headed, 2, 28 Bluebird, Chestnut-backed, 28 Mountain, 28 Western, 44, 98, I3o VOLUME VIII Bob-white, 9, =6 Bohlman, H. T., photos by, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, II, 34, 37, 38, 39, 62, 64, 65, 66, 8=, 84, 85, 86, 87, 34, 36-42 Bolander, Louis, the Nuttall sparrow around San Francisco, 73; whistling swans, 75 Bonasa umbellus togata, 6 Botaurus lentiglnosus, 27 Bowles, J. H., the hermit warbler in Washing- ton, 40; Pacific eider in Washington, 57; the calaveras warbler in western Washington, 68; the Kennicott screech owl, 43 Brambling, i6 Branta.canadensis, =7 Bubo virginianus pacificns, I26 pallescens, 2o saturatus, 26 Buffiehead, 27 Bulbul, 3 Bunting, Lark,. 23 Lazuli, 8, 28 Bush-t/t, California, 44, 98, 3 o Buteo albicaudatus sennertl, 29 borealis calurus, 26, 42, 96, 26 lineatus elegans, 96, 44 swainsoni, =7 C AI, AMOSPIZA melanocorys, 23 Calcarius lapponicus alascensis,  Callteops periotthalmica , 7 = Callipepla squamata, 9  Calypte anna, 43, 126 costie, 57 Cannibalism in Owls, 57 Canvasback, 75 Carpenter, Nelson, a small egg, 57 Carpodacus cassini, 8 mexicanus frontalis, 22, 43, 46, 97 125 purpureus californicus, 127 Catbird, 24, 28 Cathartes aura, 20, 42, 96, x6 Centrocercus urophasianus, 75 Cepphus columba, l 5 Cerorhinca monocerata, 75 Certhia americana occidentalis, 29 familiaris montana, 27 Ceryle alcyon, 28, 43, 26 Chtetura pelagica, 9 Chaffinch, European, 58 Chalcophaps indica, 5 Chamaea fasciata, 46, I29 henshawl, 98 intermedia, 44 Charitonetta albeola, 27 Chelidon dasypus, ]6 Chickadee, 26 Mountain, 27, 29 Oregon, 63 Santa Cruz, 9

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