THE CONDOl Vo,. VIII evening was given up to ornithological chat. Adjourned. J. EUGN LAw, Secretary. SPECIAL MEETING.--Residence of O. W. Howard; Aug. 3 I, 9o6. Meeting was called to order by President Howard with members Mot corn, Grinnell, Lelande, Clifton, Willett, Ed. Howard, Watson, Rising, Colburn, William- son, Hanna, Feudge, Taylor, Cosper, and Law present, and Messrs. Sandburg, Tully, Peter- son and Harris visiting. The minutes of the last meeting, Aug. 2, were read and approved. A letter from Mr. W. Scott Way, Secretary of the Audubon Society was read, calling the attention of the Cooper Club to the killing of a condor at Santa Monica, and to the inade- quacy of the fine imposed. Also suggesting that probably the guilty person had suffered no penalty. After thoro discussion, the Secretary was instructed to write Mr. Way that the mem- bers of the Cooper Club present at this me. eting were strongly in favor of protecting the condor in every way possible, and that while everyone agreed that the 5.oo fine imposed was entirely inadequate to punish the offense committed, that particular case is of cour, e beyond review. In regard to who were the guilty parties in this case, members of our club have satisfied them- selves that the fine fell on the guilty party. This closed the business of the evening, and those present were then ushered into a room filled with ornithological rarities. A large table was completely covered with rare nests iu 'tltt, with the eggs. Many sets were shown which had never been seen before by any of those present. Among others were nests and eggs of: American avocet n-4, black-necked stilt n-4, n-4, killdeer n-3, n-4, western gull u-3, marsh hawk n-5, n-6, California clapper rail n-8, Virginia rail n-8, American coot n-9, Florida gallinule n-Io, burrowing owl n-6, mountain partridge u-9, California partridge n-3, mountain chickadee n-7, California creeper n-6, white-headed woodpecker n-5, Gairdner woodpecker n-3, Louisiana tanager n-4, n-4, Cassin vireo n-4, black-headed grosbeak n-3, hermit warbler n-3, n-4, Audubon warbler n-4, n-5, Macgillivray warbler n-4, pileolated war- bler n-4, dusky warbler n-4, western yellow- throat n-3, western golden-crowned kinglet n-4, Townsend solitaire n-I, red-breasted nuthatch n-2, gray flycatcher n-4, n-4, olive-sided fly- catcher n-3, n-4, Cassin purple finch n-4, n-5, spurred towbee n-4, green-tailed towhee n-3, n-3, Santa Barbara song sparrow n-4, San Cie- racute song sparrow n-3, San Clemente Is. Bell sparrow n-3, Lincoln sparrow n-5, thick- billed sparrow n-3, western chipping sparrow n-4, Thurber junco n-4, island horned lark n-4, western meadow lark n-6, red-wiged black- bird n-6, bicolored blackbird n-4, tazuti bunt- ing n-3, ruddy duck n-I4, fulvous tree duck n- 9, cinnamon teal n-II, green-winged teal n- 9. Mr. Howard spent some time telling about each take, giving a very interesting description of some of his experiences. After a thoro ex- amination of specimens another surprise came in the form of refreshments daintily served by Mesdames yon Barnweld and Lelande, and Miss Pauline Howard. Every member of the Club will long remember this evening as one of the most enjoyable of bird evenings. J. EUGENE LAW, Secrela3,. Ocx'ol3v. a.--Office of H. J. Lelande, City Hall, Los Angeles. The regular monthly meeting oi the Cooper Ornithological Club was called to order by President Howard, Wednes- day evening, Oct. 3, I9O6, with members Le- lande, Morcom, Judson, Zahn, Antonin Jay, Newcombe, Willett and Law present, and Pro- fessor Gilbert of [,os Angeles High School, visiting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The application of C. B. Lin- ton of National City, California, for admission to membership in the Club was proposed by Mr. Robertson and on motion by Mr. Morcom, the application was filed to be brought up for tinal action at the next regular meeting. On motion by Mr. Zahn and seconded by Mr. Moreore, 3/Iessrs. Lelade and Law were appointed a committee to make arrangements for the outing meeting to be held Oct. 27 aud 8 in the vicinity of Newport, California. Ad- journed. J. EUGEN LAW) Secrelay. EDITORIAL ANNOUNCEMENT THE CONDOR during I9O 7 will continue to publish fresh western ornithology. We would like to make the issues larger, as well as better in quality. Both improvements depend upon Cooper Club members. The appearance of CONDOR reflects Club intere,. Financial sup- port is a prerequisite to editorial success, but it is not the sole thing we demand. 14/e must have more articles. With a memt:ership of over 200 people, twenty-five per cent of whom are making original observations of greater or less extent every year, it seems incredible that so few respond when asked for articles. During the past year we have published every single paper handed us, with the exception Of one which was too long, and two more which were too trashy to print. We have now on hand Ior the first (ssue of volume IX, the second part of Finley's condor article with o superb photos, and a clever magpie article from Warren, be- sides one or two minor things. These are dandy as far as they go, but. aren't halt enough for one issue. All you Cooper Club members, limber up your pen-fingers . Send in arlicles, long or short, with or without illustrations. And receive in return the thanks of the editor, and a sense of satisIaction in having contributed to ornithology.