157 phasize the great responsibility of the editor of such a publication as The Wilson t?uHetin, the aim of which we should hope to be to present bona fide ornithologv. An editor's duty is to refuse publ cation 'of valueless articles, or worse, as well as to accept and publish in proper shape articles of more or less merit. We feel our own responsibility in these matters and lry to act accordingly.--J. G. Minutes of Club Meetings NORTHERN DIVISION SEPTEMBER.--The Club met, Sept. 29, i9o6, at the residence of Miss Bertha L. Chapman, 404 Walsworth Ave., Oakland, Cal., with eleven members and four visitors present; Vice- President Fisher occupyinff the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. In respect to the resolu- tion passed by the Club at the last meeting concerning the donation of a set of the Club publications, with the exception of the first volume of T}{E CONDOR, to the California Academy of Sciences, Mr. Cohen stated that he had a part of the first volume of THE CON- DOR which he would be glad tb donate. Mr. Emerson also offered the first two numbers of THE CONDOR. The order of procedure was reversed and the program takeu up before the business. Mr. F. E. L. Ben1 gave a very interesting talk on the "Food of Birds." He has beeu working for five years on California birds alone and brought out in his talk many interesting in:rs concernlug the economic relationships of our birds and also gave something of the methods and accomplishments of his work. The business of the Club was now taken up and the following propositions for membership were read: Henry F. Duprey, 919 Morgan St., Santa Rosa, Cal., by J. Grinnell; John E. Thayer, Lancaster, Mass., by J. Grinnell; F. W. Wey- mouth, 326 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto, Cal., by H. O. Jenkins; Chas. Reining, 6I Webster St., Palo Alto, Cal., by H. O. Jenkins. The fol- lowing was elected to active membership: Chas. W. Metz, 323 W. Loucks St., Sheridan, Wyoming. A motion made by Mr. Emerson to give Mr. Beal a vote of thanks for his instructive talk was seconded and carried. Dr. F. W. D'Evelyn said a few words in ap- preciation of Mr. Beal's work and gave some of his own observations concerning feeding habits of birds. The meeting then adjourned to the dining room where elaborate refreshments were served. H. O. JRNKINS, Secrelary. SOUTHERN DIVISION OUTING MEETNG.--Newhall, Cal., May I9-2o, I9o6. There were present members Motcorn, Judson, Lelande, Robertson and Law. About the first thing noted on getting off the train was a colony of English sparrows which had its home about the station. Little was done on the i9th other than short excursions on foot into the hills back of Newhall. Mr. Judson found a nest of wren-tit with four eggs, and a nest of black-chinned sparrow just ready for eggs; and later in the day Mr. Law found a nest of almost grown young, which Mr. Mor- corn thoroly identified as being of this species. The nest was discovered thru the anxiety of the parent when one neared the vicinity of the nest. Taking an early start on the morning of the 2oth, the entire party drove west to the high ridge, and leaving the rig, worked up into the monntains. Mr. Lelande found a grown family of spotted owls, securing one adult. He also found several nests of westeru flycatcher, from nest just completed to nests with young, all built in crevices against the sides of the bank along the stream. Other birds found breeding were: plain tit, Lawrence goldfiuch, green-backed goldfinch, laz.di bunting, black- chinned hummer (several nests of each), black- headed grosbeak, Cabanis and Nuttall wood- peckers (young), house finch, black phoebe, junco (young); and in addition. the following were observed: creeper, slender-billed nut- hatch, white-bellied swallow (entering hole in bank), western bluebird, ash-throated fly- catcher, western chipping sparrow, western wood pewee, flicker, Gairdner woodpecker, cliff swallow, Audubon and b'.ack-throated gray warblers, sharp-shinned and red-tailed hawks, white-throated swift, blue-fronted and California jays. J. EUGENE LAW, crelary. SPECIAL MEETNG.--Clerk's Office, City Hall, Los Angeles; Aug. 2, 9o6. In the ab- sence of the president, the meeting was called to order by Vtce-President Judson, with mem- bers Morcom, Lelande, Robertson, Rising, Wil- lerr, Richardson, Watson, Milton, Alphouse Jay, and Law present, and Mr. Henry Golish visiting. On motion duly seconded and carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of the members present electing Mr. Charles E. Cosper to active membership. This formality was complied with. On motion unanimously carried, the invita- tion of Mr. O. W. Howard to hold a Special Meeting of the Club at his home, Aug. 30, I9O6 , was accepted. There being no further business and no program, the balance of the