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Condor Nestling at Age of 35 Days, photo by/r. T. Bohbtan ......... Frontispiece x34 Life History of the California Condor. Part I-- Finding a Condor's Nest (8 photos by A r. T. Boilman) ..... !I/'illian L. Finley The Kennicott Screech Owl ....................................... .f. . Bowles x43 Nesting of the Red-bellied Hawk (two photos by author) .............. C. S. Shar x44 The Oberholser Vireo .......................................... .Joseph Grinnell Observations on the Notes and Ways of Two Western Vireos .......... qnna Head x49 The Southern California Clapper Rail Breeding on Fresh Water ........ G. IVillelt Up the Yellowstone on a Pinto .............................. Gerardqlan qbboll x5x The Bell Sparrow ............................................ IVriht dV. 'erce NEWS NOTES ............................................................. x53 EDITORIALS Better Vernacular Names ................................................. is Egg-Co!lecting Justifiable? ............................................. 155 Record Criteria ......................................................... Why Should It Have Been Printed? ...................................... IS6 MINUTES OF CLUB MEETINGS Northern Division ...................................................... I57 Southern Division ......... : .............................................. 57 EDITORIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ............................................. Index to Volume VII! ....................................................... 59 Index to Illustrations .......................................................... I66 Entered as seco.d-class matter May 4, 9o6, at the post office at Pasadena. Caliioram, under Act of Congress of March 3, 879. Issued irom The Office of The Condor, 871 No. Lake Ave., Pasadean. Cal. WANTED--To secure additions to my col- lection of pholos of Western birds' nests and eggs in side A large list to select from in ex- charge. Correspondence invited. R. I. BRSH.', 97 Clark St., Brooklyn, N.Y. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--Bendire, Life Histories of N. A. Birds, both vols.; Fisher, Hawks and Owls of the U. S; The Condor, Vols. I-V; Ridgway, Birds of N. and Mid. America, Vol. I; a few other books and magazines, all in fine condition. WANTED--a good edition of Wilson's Ornithology, part II of Coues' Ornith. Bibliography, Ridgway's Birds of the Fortieth ParalLel, Avifauna N- 3, and others. CHARLES R. KEYES, Me. Vernon, Iowa. WANTED--To sell my collection of over 9oo bird skins; mostly California specimens, with partly eastern exchanges. Will exchange part for guus or good 8xo camera. Write for list. J. R. PEMBERTON, Stanford University, Cal. WANTED--Van Denburgh's "Reptiles of the Pacific Coast and Great Basin;" must be in good condition. Will pay cash or exchange eggs in sets. C.S. S,RV, Escondido, Cal. FOR EXCHANGE--Bird and Mammal skins from this locality for the same from any other locality; common species preferred. I have good skins with accurate data and expect the same in return. HUgSET O. JEsglS, Stanford University, California. WANTED--Will pay cash, or good exchange in mammal or bird skins for following publica- tions: Coues' Ornithological Bibhography, d and 3d installments. Palmer's Extermina- tion of Noxious Animals by Bonnties (separate from Yearbook U.S. Dept. Agr. for 896); Merriam's Geographic Distribution of Plants and Animals in N. America {separate from Yearbook U.S. Dept. Agr. for 1894).--J. GR,- NELL, .576 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadeua, Cal. XVlen replying to advertisements please mention Y[IE CONDR

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