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A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR BIRD-LOVERS EDITLD BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN Official Organ of the Audubon ocieties Hudubon Department Edited by Mabel Osgood Wright and gVilliam Dateher Bird-Zore'srotto. "A Bird in the Bush is lorth Two in the tland" If you are interested in birds, you will be interested in BIRD-LoRE. Each number contains two or more colored plates, accurately figur- ing the male and female of several species of birds, together with numerous photographs of birds from life. The general articles and notes from field and study are interesting, stimulating and helpful; the book reviews, editorials, and Audubon Department informing, and, in short, the magazine is indispensible to every one who would keep abreast of present-day labors in the field of bird study and bird protection. Each number of BIRD-LORE contains a four-page teachers' leaflet, illustrated with a colored plate. All teachers subscribing to BrRI IORE will receive, free of charge, two extra copies of each of these leaflets, two colored plates, and six facsimile outlines for coloring, for use in'their classes. x.oo a yeaT; oc a Copy ,;.' ,  ' ,.,.-,, j. ,. c. .... ..- Reduced [acslmile of the reproditction o[ rnest Thompson eto's drawing of the ob-while. esented  every subscriber  Vol. VIII, x, of Bird-re. The original, printed on heavy plate paper, suitable for framing, is arly life-'ie. THE AtACMILLAN CO., 66 Fifth Avenue, New York City, or Box 655, Harrisburg, Pa. American Ilaluralisl A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Natural Sciences in Their Widest Sense. Since its foundation in 867 by four of the pupils of Louis Agassiz, THE AMERICAN NATURAL- IST has been a representative American maga- zine of Natural History aad has played an important part in the advancement of science in this country. The journal aims to present to its readers the leading facts and discoveries in the fields of Anthropology, General Biology, Zoology, Botauy, Paleontology, Geology and Mineralogy, and the various subdivisions of those subjects. Annual subscription, $4.oo net in ad- vance. Single copies, 35 cents. Foreign subscription, $4.6o. GINN CO!!tIPANY, Publishers Boston New York ' , Chicago London The Oololist A monthly publication devoted to Oology, Ornithology and Taxidermy. Published by Frank I-I. tattin, M.D., Albion, N. . The oldest, cbeapest and most popular "Bird" Publication in America. The best exchauge and want columns. Question and answer Columns open to Collectors and Students in every branch of Natural History. An entire year with free 5c exchange notice coupon only 5oc. One year's subscription, a copy o/our New Standard Catalogue interleaved for notes and a copy of our New Portfolio of Bird Photos all postpaid for Sample copy on application. Address; RNST H. SHORT lditor and Manager CHIII, .... N.]EW YORK %vhen replying to advertisemeuts please mention TH CONDOR

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